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Simple answer is that it kills infections.

It is poisonous in large concentrations (as found in direct application) but is actually beneficial in low concentrations. (as would happen when it diffuses through the body). Iodine deficiency is the cause of several thyroid abnormalities such as goutier.

The main reason that iodine kills is that it sets up a concentration bias that will rupture bacterial cell-membranes.

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Q: Why is iodine used as an antiseptic?
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A halogen that is used as an antiseptic?


Halogen used as antiseptic?

the answer is iodine

Which antiseptic compound is present in iodine?

The antiseptic compound present in iodine is iodine itself. It is effective at killing a wide range of bacteria, viruses, and fungi, making it a commonly used antiseptic in various medical settings.

What element is used in photography and as an antiseptic?

Iodine ******** And silver.

Is iodine an antiseptic or disinfectant?

Iodine can function as both an antiseptic and a disinfectant, depending on its concentration. In lower concentrations, iodine is used as an antiseptic to sterilize skin, wounds, and surgical tools. In higher concentrations, iodine can act as a disinfectant for water purification and surface cleaning.

What is antiseptic iodine made up of?

Antiseptic iodine, commonly known as iodine tincture, is typically made up of iodine, alcohol, and water. The iodine content provides the antiseptic properties, while alcohol is used as a solvent to dissolve the iodine. Water may also be added to adjust the concentration of the solution.

Which non metal used as antiseptic?

Iodine is a non-metal element that is commonly used as an antiseptic to prevent infections in minor cuts and wounds. It has strong antimicrobial properties and can kill a wide range of pathogens.

What is an element once used in an antiseptic?

To kill bacteria.

Is Iodine an antiseptic?

Yes, iodine is an antiseptic that is commonly used to disinfect wounds and prevent infection. It is effective against a wide range of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

The halogen that is sometimes used as an antiseptic on wounds?

Iodine is a halogen that is commonly used as an antiseptic on wounds due to its ability to kill bacteria and prevent infection. It is typically applied in the form of iodine solutions or ointments.

Which element is used as an antiseptic?

Iodine, chlorine, and oxygen are three I think of.

What is the solute for antiseptic iodine?

The solute in antiseptic iodine is typically iodine itself, which is a chemical element. Iodine is dissolved in a solvent, such as alcohol or water, to create an antiseptic solution for disinfecting wounds and skin.