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Because it rusts very easily. You woudn't want to use rusty water, believe me.

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Q: Why is iron a poor metal to use for water pipes?
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Why is iron a poor metal to use for metal pipes?

Because it rusts very easily. You woudn't want to use rusty water, believe me.

PVC Pipe Easy To Install And Affordable?

Using PVC pipe is more affordable than using traditional metal pipes. It is easier to work with because it is lighter. A special glue holds pieces together to prevent leaks. If you have hard water, the minerals can attach to metal pipes. Over time, they can build up and clog pipes. This leads to poor water pressure and, eventually, the pipe will become blocked. Minerals do not build up in PVC like they do in metal pipes, making PVC a great option for homes with high lime and calcium contents in the water.

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What can I do to prevent the sewage in my pipe from backing up?

You can prevent your sewage pipes from backing up a few different ways; one way is to poor hot water into your toilet to break down anything that is in the pipes. Secondly, you can buy powerful chemicals to poor down drains or toilets that unclog pipes faster than water.

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Is iron a poor conductor of electricity?

since iron is a metal and most metals are good conductors of electricity one can assume that iron is a fair conductor of electricity. The electrical conductivity of iron is approx. 1/6 from the electrical conductivity of silver (the best known conductor).

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How does metal rust?

When water gets on metal an than dries quickly, some of the water turns into rust. Think of it this way if you leave the steam in the bathroom from the shower and it finally goes turns into rust.

Is Bismuth a metal or a non-metal?

No, Bismuth is a metal

What would cause bubbling in toilet when sink faucet is running?

the water pipes of the 2 items are probably connected in the same pipeline. Poor venting or a stoppage down stream