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Q: Why is is necessary for there to be space between the axon of one neuron and the the dendrites of another neuron?
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Axons and dendrites is another word for?

Axons are the output element of a neuron, and dendrites are the input elements of a neuron.

What is synap?

A "synape" is a misspelled synapse.

Is dendrites a structure of a neuron?

Yes, dendrites are the input structures of a neuron.

Which part of the neuron acts as a receiver for nerve impulses?

potassuimaxon terminals transmit info from their neuron to another, while dendrites receive info from other neurons.

What is the microscopic space that separates the axon of one neuron from the dendrites of another neuron?

a Synactic Cleftsynaptic cleft

What is the path of an electrical impulse as it moves through a neuron?

The electrical impulse travels into the dendrites, the "input" of the neuron, and into the soma or "body" where the signal gets processed. From there, the processed signal travels down the axon or "output" and into the dendrites of another neuron.

What are extensions of a neuron that receive signals?

These are called 'dendrites'

What type of neuron has many dendrites?

multipolar neuron

What is the part of the neuron that carries messages?

Dendrites carry messages to a cell body of a neuron.

What is the part of the neuron that receives signals?

Dendrites are the receptors of a neuron.

How is the message caried from one neuron to another it there is a space between them?

The synaptic gap is the space between the dendrites of one neuron and the axon of the next. The impulse is carried across this space by chemicals called neurotransmitters which conduct the electrical impulse.

Number of parts in a neuron?

It depends on the neuron. They all have a cell body. They have dendrites and some have dendrites plus axon(s).