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Cellular division is the cellular equivalent of reproduction. It is how cells reproduce.

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Q: Why is it advantages for a cell to grow only to a certain size and then divide into two smaller cells?
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Why is it advantageous for a cell to grow only to a certain size and then divide into two smaller cells?

Smaller cells work more efficiently because their "supply lines" are short.

Does one cell divide into smaller cells?

yes it does infact it makes 5 smaller cells

Why do the cells in the stomach divide more quickly than those in the liver?

they have smaller cells.

Which cells lose their ability to replicate and divide?

There are many cells that loose their capability to divide after certain period of time ( a phenomenon known as replicative senescence in molecular biology). These cells are differentiated and are accustomed to the functions to which they are destined. Most of the cells in the animals are not able to divide, the best examples being neurons and cardiac cells.

Do cells divide to have a smaller surface area?

No. In fact, if they retain their combined volume, their surface area would increase.

Why do all cells divide?

Cells are limited by size. They cannot grow beyond a certain extent. This is why the cells multiply to form the various organs of the body.

When we grow do our cells grow or divide?

Cells divide.

What are the two methods the body uses the reproduce cells?

Mitosis. Where somatic cells divide when they have reached a certain growth phase.Meiosis. The sexual reproduction of haploid gametes.

Do small animals have smaller cells?

No, smaller animals do not have smaller cells. They just have fewer cells.

Do skin cells divide?

yes. all skin cells divide and divide and divide all over your body.

Do endothelial cells divide?

Yes, endothelial cells divide. It is important that these cells divide to replace old/dead cells and to create new blood vessels.

Advantages and disadvantages of primary cells?

what are the advantages and disadvantages primary cells?