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In case they get hunted and killed probably. If one Lion is chasing an antelope and antelopes are really fast and another lion could corner it

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7y ago

Lions live in prides, not herds. They stay in small family groups to make hunting and killing prey easier and to have additional adults to care for the cubs.

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Q: Why is it best for lions to stay in herds?
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Rhinos travel in herds. They travel in herds to stay safe.

Where do mountain lions live in the winter?

Pumas remain active all year, they do not hibernate.

How do lions migrate or move in packs?

They may follow migrating herds of prey animals. Lions groups are called prides.

Can you say herd for a group of lions?

No, a group of lions is called a pride. Herds are usually groups of grazing animals such as zebras or antelope.

Why do lions move in group?

lions move in groups called herds for protection from bigger stronger animals like elephants and there babies.

What animals travel in herds for safety?

Various animals travel in herds for safety:HorsesCattleBisonBuffaloSheepGoatsDeerAntelopePronghorn AntelopeElk/WapitiElephantsHippopotamusesGnusWarthogsPigs/Hogs

How can you do to stay together?

they can like stay in herds and if the preditors comthey will attack the zebras.

Why else do lions roar if lions roar so enemy will be scared and to make sure everybody in the herd is safe?

Just to scare the enemy and,lions don't go in herds there in packs (like wolf's)

How lions stay cool?

Lions stay cool by dipping their feet in a near by river or just some water.

Where do the lions stay?

Lions live primarily on the African savanna.

In what kind of place do white lions live?

In the wild they live in savanna and prey on migrating herds of wildebeest. There are still a few lions in the wild in Asia, but most are in Africa, south of the Sahara.natural

How does a lion get its prey?

A lion gets his prey by letting the lionesses kill it. The lions use a click language to plan their hunt. When the female lions are in the proper position they make some clicks. Then the male lion roars. The animals run toward the lionesses. They do not realize they are running toward danger. Then the lionesses jump on them and kill them. Sometimes herds of animals are migrating. During those times the lions must follow the herds. At that time the lions catch the stragglers.