

Why is it called farming?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: Why is it called farming?
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Farming of oceans is called just that. It is usually referred to as ocean fish farming as well.

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A farming degree is a degree in agriculture.

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Land this is suitable for farming is called Arable

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Large, self-sufficient farming estates were called Manors!

What type of farming is called when people plant food for their own needs?

Farming that provides only enough food for the farmer and his family and none for market is called subsistence farming.

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What is peri-urban farming called?

Peri-Urban farming is called rurban space. Peri-Urban is a multi-functional adaptation of agriculture.

Raising only enough crops and livestock to support a family or a village is called commercial farming?

False. It's called subsistence farming.

What was the ancient period when people changed from hunting gathering to farming called?

The shift from hunting to gathering and then to farming is called civilization