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Q: Why is it difficult to work out an indviduals carbon footprint?
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How does a carbon footprint build up?

Your carbon footprint builds up as you become responsible for more carbon dioxide emissions. You can do this by buying a bigger car, or by using your air conditioning, or by driving to work instead of taking public transport. You can build it up even by eating more red meat!

How does going carbon neutral work?

A carbon neutral fuel is one that does not add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Biofuel and biomass are carbon neutral because they remove CO2 from the atmosphere during their growing season, and they release exactly the same amount of CO2 when they are burnt. So they are carbon neutral.

Name some faults in laminated pastry?

The dough can be too sticky, making it difficult to work with. The dough can be too tough, making it difficult to roll out. The dough can be too crumbly, making it difficult to work with. The dough can be too oily, making it difficult to work with. The dough can be too dry, making it difficult to work with. The dough can be too floury, making it difficult to work with. The dough can be too sweet, making it difficult to work with. The dough can be too savory, making it difficult to work with. The dough can be too hard to work with.

What for CO2 help?

To help stop the carbon footprint, you can do these: use public transit carpool drive more efficiently drive a hybrid invest in cleaner energy sources like wind or solar control fires plant more trees (to act as a carbon sink -- ocean is also a carbon sink, but not much we can do to build more ocean) work with developing nations to offer cleaner burning factories work with developing nations like china and India to find alternatives to so many cars on

Cement work might reduce carbon dioxide why?

The cement work cannot reduce carbon dioxide. In fact, the cement work increases carbon dioxide because carbon dioxide is emitted during the production of cement.

Will o2 UK work in isle of man?

Yes it will - The Isle of man is well within the O2 coverage footprint of the UK.

What is duty and why is it difficult to do?

duty is a work, and a work is always esy and difficult yo do. thts why it is difiiculytt to do duty.

Which is more difficult - physics or chemistry?

Nothing is difficult if you work hard.

How does a carbon generator work?

it works.

Can you find your past work history online?

Being able to research your own past work history would depend greatly on the type of work and your employers online footprint. Finding information about someone is usually referred to Doxxing.

Does green work with luxury hotels?

Absolutely. A luxury hotel can choose to "go green". While it may not be able to make a huge difference in its carbon footprint due to the nature of the facility, it can go green in many areas such as composting, recycling trash, using energy saving equipment and lighting, low water laundry facilities, etc.

How does the carbon cycle work with the nitrogen cycle?

Both of them are different, so both cycles work together. The carbon cycle lets out carbon dioxide and it then transfers it into the trees. The trees get the nitrogen and the cycle starts again.