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It is easier to move through air than water because air is less dense than water. In other words, there is less matter per square inch in air than there is in water.

First of all, air is a gas, and water is a liquid. In the atomic structure of a gas, the atoms have much greater space to move around in as they are not bonded to each other in any way. In water, the atoms are closer together, and move together. This can be seen just by pouring water and sloshing it around in a glass - if you apply force in one direction, the water all moves in that direction. It takes a lot of force to get the same reaction out of gas.

Hence, the idea of "matter per square inch" - for the amount of liquid you would fit in an area, you could fit less gas in that area at the same ppi.

So, for this reason, it is easier to move against gas than liquid - where you're moving many particles of liquid out of the way, the gas is much more spread out and thus easier to move through.

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14y ago
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1w ago

Air is less dense than water, so there is less resistance when moving through air compared to water. Water molecules are packed more closely together, creating more drag and making it harder to move through water. Additionally, the viscosity of water is higher than that of air, further impeding movement.

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14y ago

It is easier to move your hand through air because air is a gas, which is made out of particles that are not in contact and therefore have much empty space between them.

Liquids are loosely packed and are in contact, so they present more resistance to changes in their motion based on Newton's 1st Law of Motion.

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13y ago

Two reasons: matter density and inter-molecular forces.

In a gas the atoms are much further apart. There is less matter in a given volume of gas than the same volume of liquid. The gas, therefore, requires less force to be moved out of the way. (F=m*a)

In a liquid the atoms (or molecules) are closer together. Intermolecular forces keep these molecules in the liquid. In order for an object to pass through the liquid these forces must be broken.

To put it in a nut shell it is 'Viscosity' which differs for different fluids and with temperature. It is a property of fluid defined as a force ( Shear Force) required to move a layer of fluid against it's adjacent layer.

Something similar to Friction commonly understood for solids.

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12y ago

because air is made up of different gasses and the particles in gasses are spread out unlike in wood which is a solid where the particles are close together. so u can move your hand through air because the particles are spread out

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15y ago

Water is a liquid at room temperature and offers little resistance to bodies moving through it. This is the reason why your hand moves easily through water

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14y ago

its faster because of the time between water and air, when you find out the time between the two you'll know why its faster

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Q: Why is it easier to move through air than water?
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