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Animals have special bonds with humans. Humans lack unconditionalness and love unlike animals, especially dogs. There top priority is you, not humans.

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Q: Why is it easy for humans to connect with animals?
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What are easy animals to mimic?

Because they are simple animals. They are not advanced as us humans are today.

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Easy we domesticated them

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The Neolithic Revolution was a time in history when humans learned how to farm and domesticate animals. easy right -.-

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the dodo was entirely fearless of people, and this, in combination with it being flightless, made it easy prey for humans. also, humans brought with them other animals that had not existed near dodos before, including dogs, pigs, cats, and rats, which plundered the dodo nests. humans and animals helped to wipe out dodos

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If we think about this answer logically, you'll realize how easy the answer really is. Think about the fur trade that went on in colonial america, the hunting parties the British held for buffalo tongues, and the killing of numerous species, thus placing them on the endangered species list. Animals don't often kill humans, but humans kill animals on a daily basis (worms, flies, spiders, etc. )

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Humans are animals.

How do mice memorize?

Through sense. Same way humans do. Smells, sight, hearing, touch - these main 3 allow humans & animals to connect objects with situations & actions. That is how mice remember things.

Is it the humans fault or the animals fault when animals attack?

I belive it is the humans, because we take their food and habitat when we chop down forests.2. Because we humans try to move them and get in their face. And try to move them from place to place.3.We go in their territory doing things such as bike riding and animals come out for what they think is easy prey.

What animals get killed by humans?

Most of animals are killed by humans

Why do fles get on animals not humans?

Fleas can get on both animals and humans.

How do Geysers help animals and humans?

they have animals and humans live there.