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It's good for the South because they didn't have to leave teh south. They got to fight on home turf and stay there while fighting!

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Q: Why is it good that the civil war was fought on southern ground?
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Who did the civil war help?

Northern manufacturers and farmers Southern slaves Politicians in unform who had a good war behind them

What were the social and economic battles fought during the civil war?

The social and economic battles fought during the civil war began with the Souths dependence on slave labor. Their economy depended on the good picked and farmed by the slave. The end of slavery threatened that way of life.

What has a good sentence with the word fought?

Those kids fought constantly about who could sit in the front seat. The memorial will honor all of those veterans who fought in World War 2. The U.S. fought to stop the spread of communism. Martin Luther King fought for civil rights without the use of violence. The lawyers fought because they knew their client was innocent.

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the southern white man regained political power after the civil war by getting in good with Andrew Johnson who was later impeached no not really they gained it by committing themselves to the union.

What is a good drought resistant low lying ground cover for southern California?

i guess you could always use periwinkle.

What were the communist forces called during the russian civil war?

The Vietnam War sounds like it should've been called a civil war, but when you look up the term "civil war" in the dictionary you will find that a "civil war" is a war fought AGAINST ITSELF. The Vietnam War was not fought against itself; it was fought between two separate nations...from day one (1954). A North and a South Vietnam...those are two different countries. The Northern Army was called the NVA (North Vietnamese Army); their southern allies were called the VC (Viet Cong). The Southern Army, the good guys, the ones the US was helping, was called the ARVN (Army Republic of South Vietnam). When fighting them, over the radio, we would say, "November-Victor-Alpha" or "Victor Charlie." This would tell our higher headquarters what kind of support we would need to destroy them; artillery, jets, attack helos, etc.

Did the state of Kansas part of the US Civil War?

Kansas joined the Union in January of 1861. It fought as a Union state in the US Civil War. There was a good deal of guerrilla warfare there as many people were sympathetic to the South.

Who was the most noteworthy southern novelist before the civil war?

William Gilmore Simms..... Hope it helps WOOT good luck in apush

Was Charles 1st nephew called Rupert?

yeppp, is a good website if you are looking for people who fought in the civil war.

What side did William t. sherman fight on in the civil war?

He fought on the side of the Union, and moved up because he had made a good team-partner with U.S. Grant.

What did Abraham do while in office?

The main things Lincoln did was to unite both the Northern and southern states , after the civil war. and to abolish slavery for good in the U.S.A.

What was a good thing that Andrew Jackson did?

He fought the battle of New Orleans and created the Democratic party!