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it is hard because it may be a bad idea like if you were talking to the king and you smart off then you have asked for death to come.

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Q: Why is it hard to stand up to powerful people?
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Why is it hard to stand up to a powerful person?

They are scary

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She was powerful because she was one of the first women to be famous and stand up for them selves.

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People form governments for many different reasons. These people form governments so that they can be more powerful and stand up for their rights for example.

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One can show courage by facing fear or adversity with bravery and determination, even when it is difficult or challenging. Courage may involve taking risks, standing up for one's beliefs, or showing resilience in the face of obstacles. It often requires stepping outside of one's comfort zone and acting with strength and confidence.

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He was the irst black man to stand up and say people should not be racied

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It taught people to stand up for their beliefs.

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Just stand up is about standing up to cancer, and fighting your way through all the hard times.

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Hard to say.

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Without knowing the specific situtation, it is hard to say what it was President Filipe Calderon did to stand up in a situation. He did stand up in protest of the Arizona law that requested people show documentation of their legal status. He also was known for standing up to the drug cartels in Mexico.

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People stand up for the Ardaas as it is a sign of respect.

What is mean by the tyranny of some is possible only through the cowardice of others?

It means that people can only be taken over by a tyrant if they don't stand up for themselves. Some people are only powerful because no one has dared to challenge them.

Is it hard to be a stand up comedian?

To be a good one - yes, that's hard. Takes both talent and plenty of work.