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The founding fathers wanted to be sure that changes would be hard. Laws can be passed, changed, or voted.

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Q: Why is a constitution so hard to change?
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Why might the delegates to the constitutional convention have made constitution so hard to change?

Because if they didn't make so hard to change they will be changing it all the time.

Why did the constitutional convention have difficulty writing a new constitution?

Because if they didn't make so hard to change they will be changing it all the time.

Is any country have rigid constitution?

yes because many constitution are hard to change

What is called change to the Constitution?

Do you mean "What is a change to the U.S Constitution?" if so the answer is an amendment if not ask somebody else sorry!

Why is the role of women so hard to change?

Its so hard to change because ppl make it so hard to change. In all reality, if ppl were able to accept change positively then it would never become a problem at all.

Is the decleration of independence a constitution?

yes, and then the ammendements that were made were added to the bill of rights, as the way in which the Declaration of Independance (constitution) was written it was made far too hard to add/change what was written. So changes were then added to the bill of rights.

What does majestic vagueness mean?

Parts of the Constitution are vague so that the Constitution is able to change with the times.

What do we call a change to the Constitution?

the change of the Constitution is an amendment

Has the us ever changed the constitution?

An amendment is a change to the constitution so no once they have been enacted they have not changed.

Why do you change the constitution?

You change The Constitution to make it better. You change The Constitution to make it better. The constitution is a set of guidelines or a framework for the government to work within. it limits the scope of government decisions. So if the people feel the constitution is either allowing the government to much power or not allowing enough power, people can change it to redress the imbalance, which either way it may swing.

What is the purpose of adding amendments to the constitution?

It's to change or alter the constitution. So, we add amendments as our nation's culture changes.

Why might delegates to the constitutional convention have made the constitutional so hard to change?

Because if they didn't make so hard to change they will be changing it all the time.