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All faiths need a place of worship, and Judaism is no exception.

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Q: Why is it important for a Jewish Community to have a synagogue?
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How does a man's life change after he becomes a rabbi?

He will often become leader of a synagogue and/or a Jewish community.

What do you call synagogue members?

Synagogue members are commonly referred to as congregants or worshippers. They gather together for religious services and other community activities within the synagogue.

Are uncircumcised Jews banned from entering a synagogue?

No, but they are banned from being full-fledged members of the Jewish community.

What are three important items that are found in a Jewish synagogue?

-- Torah -- people -- rest rooms

Where is the world's biggest Jewish synagogue?

The Great Belz Synagogue in Jerusalem is likely the biggest Jewish synagogue in the world currently.

why is the synagogue important to jewish people?

A synagogue is a space for worship and prayer. Jews believe it is good to pray together, but there must be a minimum of ten people present for certain prayers to be said. This is called a minyan . The synagogue is an important centre for Jewish communities where meetings take place and social gatherings happen.

Is a synagogue and a temple the same thing?

Both are places of worship. A Mosque is used for Muslim worship. A Synagogue is used for Jewishworship.

You would like to make contact with someone from the Jewish community in Gelsenkirchen and also some information on the Jewish cemetery there?

Contact the nearest synagogue and explain your interest.

What is the community rooms used for in a synagogue?

Apart from the worship services the synagogue will be used like a community centre. Wedding reception and Bar / Bat Mitzvah celebrations will be held in the synagogue. In addition most synagogues will have a Hebrew school (shule), a youth club, a crèche, a library and study room, an office for the Rabbi, and will be a gathering place for the Jewish community.

Can a Jewish funeral be held in a synagogue sanctuary?

At a Jewish funeral home or synagogue or at the graveside.

Why is synagogue important to the Jews?

It is the center of Jewish life outside of Israel. Jews go to a synagogue to study, pray, and socialize with other Jews.

Do Jews have leaders like Christians have Priests?

The Jewish leaders whom you're asking about are called Rabbis. Each Rabbi may lead a synagogue (Jewish place of prayer) and/or a Jewish community.