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Q: Why is it important for aged people tp participate in cultural activities?
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Why should people know about their cultural heritage?

so they can pass it on to the next generation, take part in preserving the culture and to participate in cultural activities

How can a youth group encourage young people to participate in cultural activities?

By motivating them and letting them know that it is good to follow your tradition and way of life.

Why is it important to maintain ties to your cultural heritage?

By maintaining ties to your cultural heritage, you understand where you came from and who your ancestors were. It is important to pass your culture down through generations so your heritage is remembered.

What is the largest political unit in San society?

Are you referring to the San people, who live in Botswana, in Southern Africa? If so, they are not very political (they generally do not vote or participate in politics), and their kinship bonds and cultural traditions are the most important to them.

What types of relgious activities do people participate during a pilgrimage?

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What physical activities do you participate in?

People participate in a variety of physical activities like mowing the lawn, exercising, or simply taking a walk. These help to condition the body and improve overall health.

What are the importance of cultural and social activities for workers?

cultural was very important because many young people did not know about history so it is very importance and we must make a subject about cultural at school .Social activities also importance because some people very shy to talk to people so parents must always teach their children about social so that they do not shy to go for works when they grown up.

Do people still participate in Earth Day activities?

Well, some do and some don't.

How do you see Buddhism?

Most public Buddhist temples would be happy to allow people to come in and watch the activities or participate in meditation.

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What were the people of the Indus valley known for?

people of indus valley know for cultural and agricultural activities Other:

Manuel is not able to participate in the physical activities that people his age are expected to do. Manuel's condition is known as .?

a disability