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Saying something is "14 long by 20 high" or "weighs 73.4" doesn't help at all if one person uses grams and the other uses tons.

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Ferne Streich

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Q: Why is it important for scientists to use the same system of measurement?
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What happened the scientists used different system of measurement?

A fraction scale remains the same with any system of measurement.

Common system of measurement especially among scientists?

The metric system. Obviously, we have the same Science homework. lOL

Why do you need a system of measurement?

So that when scientists make a project around the world, the pieces are the same size

Why is it important that all scientists use the same temperature scales?

to make it more pacific of what they are doing. also to help them to measure it accuaratly also to keep it a fair test. scientest are very suspicouse these days because they can sometimes do things wrong which can cause confusion. ps i know this because i am an american scientists daughter.

What measurement is used more often by scientists mass or weight?

they are the same thing.

Why is it important that scientists across the world use a common system to group all living things on Earth?

It is important for scientists across the world to use a common system to group all living things on Earth because different living things don't examine on the same system they use.

What is scientific measurement and how do scientist solve problems?

Scientific measurement is the same thing as the metric system. The metric system is a decimal system of measurement whose units are based on certain physical standards and are scaled on multiples of 10. (also known as the international system, SI system) Scientific Method to solving problems by scientists 1. Ask Questions 2. observations 3. collect data 4. make a hypothesis 5. perform an experiment

Why do scientist use the metric system?

It is a more precise way of measuring

Why do you think it is important that scientists in different countries all check their ways of measuring a kilogram against the same standard mass?

To ensure that no no matter what country you are working in, the units of measurement you are using are the same across the world and therefore that experiments are repeatable.

Reasons why it is important for scientists to communicate?

It is important for scientists to communicate so that they do not repeat the same experiment over and over. If scientists communicate they can learn what works or does not work and move forward with discoveries.

What is the importance of the English system of measurement?

The English system (avoirdupois) allows those who use it a standardized and accepted method of describing quantities...the same as any other standardized system of measurement.

Why is it important that scientists' result are evaluated by other scientists?

it is important because we do not know if one scientist's results will be the same as another. I hope I've helped=]