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In the giver it is important for a community to have a personn who has the capacity to see beyond, because then the community has someone who has the capacity to keep their memories

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Having someone who can see beyond benefits the community by providing fresh perspectives, innovative solutions, and a broader understanding of complex issues. This person can help navigate challenges, identify opportunities, and inspire others to think outside the box, ultimately driving progress and growth within the community.

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Q: Why is it important for the community to have a person who can see beyond?
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Why was it important for the community to have a person who could see beyond the giver?

In the giver it is important for a community to have a personn who has the capacity to see beyond, because then the community has someone who has the capacity to keep their memories

What was happening when Jonas saw beyond Why was it important?

When Jonas saw beyond, he was seeing glimpses of colors, emotions, and memories that were previously unknown. It was important because it helped him gain deeper insights into the true nature of his community and the limitations imposed by the strict rules and regulations. This ability to see beyond ultimately led to Jonas's decision to escape and seek a freer, more authentic life outside the community.

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What are the three examples of seeing beyond in the giver?

Jonas is able to see beyond the strict rules and regulations of the community to understand the value of emotions and individuality. The Giver, who transmits memories to Jonas, can see beyond the controlled and limited experiences of the community to remember the depth of human experience. Jonas and the Giver both see beyond the facade of a perfect society to recognize the sacrifices and consequences that have been hidden from the residents.

What does the capacity to see beyond mean in the giver?

In "The Giver," the capacity to see beyond refers to the ability to perceive things that others cannot, such as colors, emotions, and memories of the past. It represents a deeper level of awareness and understanding in a society that suppresses these aspects to maintain control over its citizens. This ability is given to the Receiver of Memory to help guide the community and preserve its history.

The Giver what sense did The Giver have?

The Giver had the ability to see beyond the constraints of the community's rules and receive memories of the past, enabling him to understand the joys and pains of life. This unique sense allowed him to guide and counsel the Receiver of Memory in making important decisions for the community.

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without it you would not be able to see in the dark

What is unique about Jonas in the giver?

Jonas is unique in the community because he is selected to be the Receiver of Memory, a position of great importance and responsibility. He is chosen for his intelligence, sensitivity, and ability to see beyond the controlled environment of his society. Jonas's unique qualities enable him to challenge the status quo and bring about change in the community.

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Should you be proactive in an reactive community...because it'll make you look alien but this question have got me frustrated for so long what's your opinion?

What kind of person are you? Ask yourself this question: Is it more important to me that I fit in or that I do what I think is right? I suspect that if fitting in was more important to you you would not plagued by this question. The proactive person in a reactive community is by default the leader. Do you see yourself as a leader?

In The Giver what is the Capacity to see beyond?

The Capacity to See Beyond is the ability to perceive beyond the ordinary senses in The Giver. This gift allows those who possess it to see colors and memories that have been hidden from the rest of the community. It is a rare ability that only a few individuals have.