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Q: Why is it important for the woodlice to stay in a damp area?
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Why do woodlice live under bricks and stones?

Because They Don't Like The Light!!Improved answer: they live in damp areas and keep out sunlight. Sunlight make the temperature of the area higher. They don'tlike it.

Do woodlice prefer dry or damp conditions?

They prefer damp conditions, Because woodlice need to breath through the moisture, they also have gills so they need to be in damp places like under rocks , logs & leaves's also need to be in dark conditions

Where do woodlice live?

You can find them in a leaf litter habitat or even the rotting log habitat They also can be found inside chickens. Improved answer: Woodlice also live in damp areas and keep out sunlight.

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Some can be and have to stay damp to survive, such as frogs. But, many don't have to be to survive.

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Tend to stay around moist, damp areas

In what temperature does jaguars like to stay?

cool and damp places

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Because of their soft undersides isopods prefer to stay in cool damp areas to prevent them from drying out

How does an alligator stay under water during hibernation?

When an alligator hibernates, it will find a cool damp cave to stay in, not underwater.

How do I geet rid of mushrooms under floor.?

You can get rid of mushrooms under the floor by exposing the mushrooms to sunlight or by using an herbicide to kill them. You can also dig the area out and remove the mushrooms physically to get rid of them. Make sure that the area does not stay damp and they will not grow back.

1996 jeep will not start or stay running when its damp or raining outside?

you have a cracked distribtor cap

Do skateboards rust if there next to a air vent?

no they stay the same only if you leave it of in a damp space it will do tht

What was it like to stay in a Anderson shelter?

cosy and warm