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They escaped to Egypt to escape from King Herod because the Wise Men told him about Jesus (they didn't know they were putting him in danger he told them he would send presents and things)and he was jealus. God told the Wise men not to go back and tell King Herod because he would kill Jesus but King Herod then orded every new born to be killed.

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Q: Why is it important that Mary Joseph and Jesus escaped to Egypt?
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What country did Jesus parent escape to?

When word got out that King Herod was after Jesus and his family, they escaped to Egypt. Jesus was thought to be the King of Kings and Herod thought of him as a threat.

Where did Jesus family go to escape king herod?

Although it said Egypt, it is believed that the land of Goshen or the Sinai Peninsula is where Joseph, Mary and Jesus escaped.

Where did Jesus Mary and Joseph flee to?

Mary , Joseph and the baby Jesus fled in the night to Egypt.

How old was Jesus when he escaped to Egypt?

around 30 years old

Can you tell us the verses that mentioned Egypt in the Bible?

Egypt is mentioned in numerous places. It is where Jacob and the family escaped a great famine, under the protection of Joseph; it is also where Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus fled when Herod tried to kill all the baby boys.

Where Mary and Joseph fled after Jesus' birth?

Joseph was warned in a dream to take the young child and his mother and flee to Egypt untill he hears from God again. (Matthew 2.13) So "the holy family" that fled to Egypt, were Joseph and Mary and Jesus.

Where did Mary-Joseph and Jesus go to escape King Herod?

In Matthew's Gospel, Egypt is where Mary and Joseph escaped to to get away from King Herrod because he wanted to kill every new born baby at the time. Luke provides a different nativity story in which Jesus is not taken to Egypt, but to Jerusalem, where Matthew's Gospel would place him in the greatest danger from Herod, and then to Nazareth.

Why was Egypt a safer place for Mary and Joseph than Bethlehem?

Egypt was a safer place for Mary and Joseph than Bethlehem because Egypt was out of the jurisdiction of King Herod, who was seeking to kill the infant Jesus. By fleeing to Egypt, Mary and Joseph were able to escape Herod's massacre in Bethlehem targeting male infants.

Who warned Jesus to flee to Egypt?

Here Jesus was not warned to flee, but the angel warned Joseph in a dream.

What Continent did Jesus' Parent hide Him in from king herod?

Jesus' parents, Mary and Joseph, hid him in Egypt on the continent of Africa to escape King Herod's order to kill all baby boys in Bethlehem.

How did jesus survive the calling of king herod wating all children dead?

Joseph and Mary fled with the baby Jesus to Egypt, as the angel told Joseph to flee as the king Herod wanted to kill all the babies.

Did Jesus Mary and Joseph go to Egypt after Jesus'?

Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph went to Egypt because the King of Bethlehem was scared of being replaced by a younger unrelated boy, so ordered all boys under age 5 to be put to death.