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Although it said Egypt, it is believed that the land of Goshen or the Sinai Peninsula is where Joseph, Mary and Jesus escaped.

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Q: Where did Jesus family go to escape king herod?
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What country did Jesus parent escape to?

When word got out that King Herod was after Jesus and his family, they escaped to Egypt. Jesus was thought to be the King of Kings and Herod thought of him as a threat.

What country did Mary Joseph and Jesus go to?

Shortly after Jesus was born, his family fled to Egypt to escape King Herod who wanted to kill Jesus because he felt he was a threat to his power after Jesus was called "The King of Kings".

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Herod Antipas was the king during the time when Jesus was performing his miracles.

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In the bible the king who was ruling Bethleham was king Herod.

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Jesus referred to Herod as 'that fox'.

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When Jesus was born king Herod was king.

Who is King Herod on Jesus birth?

King Herod was the ruler of Judea during the time of Jesus' birth. He is known for ordering the massacre of infants in Bethlehem in an attempt to kill the baby Jesus, whom he saw as a threat to his rule. Herod's actions are mentioned in the Biblical accounts of Jesus' birth in the Gospel of Matthew.

Where was king anwar from during the time of Jesus?

Herod was king at the time of jesus .

Why did King Herod go crazy when Jesus was born?

King Herod went crazy,because he was afraid Jesus would take his throne.

Where did Jesus escape from King Herod?

There are two, quite different gospel stories of the birth of Jesus. In Luke's Gospel, Joseph and Mary came from Nazareth to Bethlehem to take part in a census. Jesus was born in Bethlehem and, a few days later, the family travelled to Jerusalem for the Temple ritual, without any apparent concern regarding King Herod. They then returned peacefully to Nazareth. At no time in this account, was Jesus ever in any danger from Herod. In Matthew's Gospel, Bethlehem appears to be the home town of Joseph and Mary. After the birth of Jesus, King Herod sought to have him killed, so the young family fled from Bethlehem to safety in Egypt. After the death of Herod, they began to return to Bethlehem, but being warned in a dream, turned aside and travelled to a new home in Nazareth.

Where was the place Jesus and his family hid from Herod?

The Wise men told king Herod that the messiah would take over him and that the messiah is a child. Jesus was hiding because he was the messiah and did not want to get killed by king Herod.

Why is it important that Mary Joseph and Jesus escaped to Egypt?

They escaped to Egypt to escape from King Herod because the Wise Men told him about Jesus (they didn't know they were putting him in danger he told them he would send presents and things)and he was jealus. God told the Wise men not to go back and tell King Herod because he would kill Jesus but King Herod then orded every new born to be killed.