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A biased survey question could really influence the answer you are receiving. Let's take for example someone making children answer a questionnaire to test their IQ. Such a questionnaire could include a vocabulary test. Children from lower socio-economical families could have a less developed vocabulary than higher socio-economical families' children. However, this doesn't mean that these children are less intelligent. Another example could be applied to mental health. Often, depression is recognised through symptoms of depressed mood, increase or decrease in appetite/sleep, etc. However, it seems that for older people (65 and more), depression takes the form of more somatisation, or, in another words, complaints of physical pain. If a researcher is not aware of this, he might conclude that older people present less symptoms of depression, while it might not be true, only because his questionnaire is not adapted to older people.

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Having unbiased survey questions ensures that the responses collected are not influenced by the wording or framing of the question. This helps to gather accurate and reliable data that truly reflects people's opinions and experiences. Biased questions can lead to misleading results and invalidate the survey's findings.

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When designing a questionnaire, it is important to clearly define the objectives, ensure questions are clear and unbiased, use a mix of question types, keep the survey short and focused, test the survey before distribution, and consider the target audience's preferences and characteristics.

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To make a question unbiased for a survey you re-word it. So for example if the question was "NFL is very boring. Do you think its more fun to play hockey than watch it". You wouldn't be like that to make it unbiased you would be like "Do you think its more fun to watch hockey than play it?

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The wording of a question can influence survey responses by framing the issue in a certain way that may bias participants towards a specific answer. Similarly, the tone of voice of the interviewer can impact respondents' comfort level and willingness to provide honest answers. A neutral tone and well-crafted, unbiased questions are essential for gathering accurate survey data.

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articles on the U.S. Geological Survey Web site

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