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In sexual reproduction, each parent contributes a sex cell with half as many chromosomes as the normal cells. The two sex cells combine and the zygote will have the proper total of chromosomes. In this way, the offspring inherit genetic information from both parents.

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Godfrey Franecki

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2y ago
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Selina Corwin

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2y ago

This happens so the genetic material from both parents combines to make new set.

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8y ago

Sex cells must have half the number of chromosomes because when the the sperm fertilizes the egg, the total number of chromosomes in the offspring must be the same number as the parents.

Diploid and Haploid Cells

Body cells (or somatic cells as they are called in Biology) have diploid, or 2n number of chromosomes. Male and female sex cells have haploid, or n number of chromosomes. During the process of fertilization where the sperm (containing n number of chromosomes) fertilizes the ovum (also containing n number of chromosomes), they collectively reconstitute the diploid number thus creating a fertilized cell containing 2n number of chromosomes (n from ovum and n from sperm) This fertilized egg now containing the entire chromosomal constitution of the species (2n) goes on to develop into an embryo.

While in interphase, human cells are carrying out their normal functions and have 46 chromosomes, though the DNA does not exist as chromosomes at this point. For humans, 46 is known as the haploid number. Once a cell is ready to divide, the DNA (called chromatin) condenses into chromatids. The chromatids duplicate, forming the familiar X shapes, called chromosomes. At this point, one human cell contains enough genetic material for 92 chromosomes, double the normal amount. This is the diploid number. In mitosis, the cell divides in two, and each new cell each has 46 chromosomes worth of genetic material, the normal amount.

In meiosis, which produces sex cells, the resulting cells must each have 23 chromosomes because in sexual reproduction, 23 chromosomes from father + 23 chromosomes from mother = 46 chromosomes in the offspring. In meiosis, the number of chromosomes doubles, creating the diploid amount. The cell divides, so 2 cells with 46 chromosomes are produced. These cells then divide without duplicated DNA, so 4 cells with 23 chromosomes are produced. Keep in mind that the number of chromosomes is not related to the complexity of the organism. Humans have 46 chromosomes, ferns have over 1,000.

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12y ago

Body cells (or somatic cells as they are called in biology) have diploid, or 2n number of chromosomes.

Male and female sex cells have haploid, or n number of chromosomes. During the process of fertilization where the sperm (containing n number of chromosomes) fertilizes the ovum (also containing n number of chromosomes), they collectively reconstitute the diploid number thus creating a fertilized cell containing 2n number of chromosomes (n from ovum and n from sperm)

This fertilized egg now containing the entire chromosomal constitution of the species (2n) goes on to develop into an embryo

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12y ago

While in interphase, human cells are carrying out their normal functions and have 46 chromosomes, though the DNA does not exist as chromosomes at this point. For humans, 46 is known as the haploid number. Once a cell is ready to divide, the DNA (called chromatin) condenses into chromatids. The chromatids duplicate, forming the familiar X shapes, called chromosomes. At this point, one human cell contains enough genetic material for 92 chromosomes, double the normal amount. This is the diploid number. In mitosis, the cell divides in two, and each new cell each has 46 chromosomes worth of genetic material, the normal amount. In meiosis, which produces sex cells, the resulting cells must each have 23 chromosomes because in sexual reproduction, 23 chromosomes from father + 23 chromosomes from mother = 46 chromosomes in the offspring. In meiosis, the number of chromosomes doubles, creating the diploid amount. The cell divides, so 2 cells with 46 chromosomes are produced. These cells then divide without duplicated their DNA, so 4 cells with 23 chromosomes are produced. Keep in mind that the number of chromosomes is not related to the complexity of the organism. Humans have 46 chromosomes, ferns have over 1,000.

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Q: Why is it important that cells have half the number of chromosomes as body cells?
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How does the number of chromosomes in gametes of an organism that reproduces sexually differ from the numbers of chromosomes in other cells?

Unlike somatic (body) cells, gametes have two time the number of chromosomes as body cells. Gametes (2n). Body cells (n). For example, human 46 chromosomes in gamete cells but half of that (23) in body cells.

Is the number of gametes twice the number of chromosomes found in the body cells?

Gametes are cells, in humans they contain 23 chromosomes. Body Cells (Properly Called: Somatic Cells) in humans contain 46 chromosomes (2 sets of 23). Some differences or problems can cause this number to change in specific humans, gametes, and somatic cells. Muscle cells may have hundreds of chromosomes, red blood cells have none.

Where are the human cells with 46 chromosomes found?

In humans, the diploid number (or 2n) is 46. Somatic cells contain 2n number of chromosomes. Somatic cells are those that make up the body. Every cells that makes up every organ contains 2n number of chromosomes. Gametes (or sex cells) contain haploid (n) number of chromosomes

How do the numbers of chromosomes in cells compare with the number of chromosomes in sex cells?

The mother gives the egg and the father gives the the sperm and wine they come to get it can make a zygote in other words the baby

Why are the number of chromosomes in egg sperm cells different from the number of chromosomes in other cells of the body?

well, for one they are haploid (n) whereas other cells in the body (somatic cells) are diploid (2n) this means that sperm cells (egg cells for females) only have half the amount of chromosomes as any other cell in the body

Related questions

Why is it important that sex cells have exactly the number of chromosomes as the body cells?

The DO NOT "have exactly the number of chromosomes as the body cells", they have 1/2 that number. This is so that when two sex cells come together to form an embryo, the cells of that embryo have exactly the same number of chromosomes as the body cells of the two parents and not twice that number.

How do the number of chromosomes in a female scorpion's egg cells compare with the number in her body (somatic) cells?

There are 46 chromosomes in your body cells. The egg cells have half the amount of chromosomes as the body cells, so there are 23 chromosomes in the egg cells.

Do Body cells only have half the total number of chromosomes?

All body cells contain a total number of 46 chromosomes except sex cells (the egg and the sperm) which have half the number of chromosomes (23) no.... body cells or somatic cells have 46 chromosomes which is the diploid chromosome number of homo sapiens... gametes or sex cells have 23 chromosomes which is the haploid chromosome number...

How does the number of chromosomes in gametes of an organism that reproduces sexually differ from the numbers of chromosomes in other cells?

Unlike somatic (body) cells, gametes have two time the number of chromosomes as body cells. Gametes (2n). Body cells (n). For example, human 46 chromosomes in gamete cells but half of that (23) in body cells.

Why is it important sex cells have half the number of chromosomesas body cells?

This is important because two sex cells become fertilized and join together to form the new organism. If sex cells had the same number of chromosomes as body cells, then offspring would have twice as many chromosomes as a normal animal would.

What did Sutton observe about the relative numbers of chromosomes in the body cells and sex cells of grasshoppers?

body cells of a grasshopper has 24 chromosomes and 12 chromosomes in the sex cells so as many body cell chromosomes you have you will have half that number of chromosomes in your sex cells.

The number of chromosomes in sex cells relative to the body cells?

there are half the number of chromosomes in sex cells than in body cells because the sex cell needs to combine with another to complete its set of chromosomes

How does the number of chromosomes in a grasshoppers body cell compare to the number in its sex cell?

sex cells(gametes) are haploid in nature as compared to body cells(somatic cells) thus the number of chromosomes in a sex cell of a grasshopper is half the number of chromosomes in a body cell

How does a number of chromosomes in a person's sex cells compare with the number of chromosomes in the body cells?

In the sex cells you only have half of the number of chromosomes- 23 instead of 46 which is what you have in your other body cells This is because when the sperm fertilizes the egg, the two nuclei fuse together and the chromosomes combine so you then have the right number for normal body cells to develop in the baby.

How does the number of chromosomes in a person sex cells compared with the number of chromosomes in the body cells.?

In the sex cells you only have half of the number of chromosomes- 23 instead of 46 which is what you have in your other body cells This is because when the sperm fertilizes the egg, the two nuclei fuse together and the chromosomes combine so you then have the right number for normal body cells to develop in the baby.

HOW does the number of chromosomes in a person sex cells compare with the number of chromosomes in the body cells?

In the sex cells you only have half of the number of chromosomes- 23 instead of 46 which is what you have in your other body cells This is because when the sperm fertilizes the egg, the two nuclei fuse together and the chromosomes combine so you then have the right number for normal body cells to develop in the baby.

An organisms gametes have double the number of chromosomes found in the organisms body cells.?

No, a gamete has half the number of chromosomes as compared to the organisms body cells.