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Q: Why is it important that the impulses in a reflex arc do not go to the conscious brain?
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The conductor of nerve impulses that initiates reflex reaction to sensory information without input from the brain is the what?

spinal cord

Is a reflex is a voluntary action?

No, it is by definition involuntary. The neural impulses which cause the action do not go through the brain at all.

What is the last thing that occurs with a reflex reaction?

As you pull your hand away, nerve impulses travel to your brain. You feel pain.

What is the function of the reticular activating system?

Part of the mid-brain, it sends impulses to the cerebral cortex to keep it conscious and alert. It is also important for sleep and arousal.

Why do you keep breathing even when you are not conscious?

You keep breathing even when you are unconscious because it is a reflex action.that is it is controlled by the hypothalamus in the brain.

Why is it important for the brain to be kept informed of reflex action?

It is then possible for the brain to modify or 'condition' some reflexes

Why is it important for the brain to be kept informed of a reflex action?

It is then possible for the brain to modify or 'condition' some reflexes

The knee jerk reflex is an example of a?

A reflex is a rapid, involuntary response to a stimulus. A reflex arc is the pathway traveled by the nerve impulses during a reflex.Most reflexes are spinal reflexes with pathways that traverse only the spinal cord. During a spinal reflex, information may be transmitted to the brain, but it is the spinal cord, and not the brain, that is responsible for the integration of sensory information and a response transmitted to motor neurons.Information is sent to the brain but that takes awhile longer. It is best if you remove your hand from the fire as fast as possible and not wait until the brain yells "hot, hot!".

What neuron moves the impulses to the brain?

The brain is the control, and the whole reaction of a reflex arc starts with a stimulus, ie, touching a hot flame, the detector of this stimulus being the receptor. The electrical impulses travel through the sensory neuron to which it is then carried to the synapse (impulses reach the brain) the energy is then transferred across the synapse, to the relay neuron and then to the motor neuron, finally reaching the effector, (mainly muscle or gland) to move away the body part.

What is cranial reflex?

A cranial reflex is a fast, involuntary response to a stimulus. It uses the brain stem as an integrating center (the brain receives sensory information and generates a response). This is contrasted to a spinal reflex, when the response is generated in the spinal cord itself, and the brain only finds out a reflex has occurred after the fact.An example of a cranial reflex would be the tracking movements of your eyes as you are reading this sentence. The dilation and contraction of your pupils in response to different levels of light is another cranial reflex.--------------An example of a spinal reflex would be standing on a pin or touching a hot object.

Electrical impulses bypasses what area of the brain?

The electrical impulse bypasses the concious areas of your brain so you don't think about subconcious things, like reflex actions for example. This is to help you in dangerous situations and to help you survive.