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All organisms, even one-cell organisms, must consume nutrients and expel wastes. Wastes contain toxins created in the breakdown of nutrients, as well as excess nutrients, such as water-soluable vitamins.

If animals and humans never expelled wastes, the toxins would build up in the blood. The kidneys would be overwhelmed by toxins and likely the kidneys would cease working, leading to further blood toxins. The intestines would not have the normal fluid balance if the kidneys and blood were over-loaded and the kidneys couldn't pull off excess fluid from the intestines. The fecal matter would likely become diarrhea at first, but later could turn to constipated and impacted (solid, unable to pass from the body). Animals and humans would still want to eat and drink but because the kidneys and intestines are not able to handle the waste produced, the stomach would likely become nauseated. As the situation worsened, vomiting would occur. All the while, toxins in the blood would begin to affect the brain. In the end, coma and death would result.

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