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Bcause they are veterans duhhh

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Q: Why is it important to honor men and women on Veterans Day?
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What is important about Veterans Day?

It is a day to honor your veterans for serving our country.

What are you recongizing Veterans Day for?

To honor all of the men and women who have served for our country.

What is the purpose of Veterans Day?

The purpose of Veterans Day is to honor men and women who have been injured or served in the United States armed Servces.

Should there be Veterans Day?

Of course there should be a Veterans' Day! Why should we not honor the men and women who helped to keep this country safe, suffering greatly in the process?

Why do they honor men and women on Veterans Day?

because they are fighting or fought for us and are protecting us.

What wars does Veterans Day honor?

Veterans Day does not honor wars. Veterans Day is one day a year to honor all the military veterans who served this country, from the Revolutionary War until now, in peacetime and in war.

WHY IS Veterans Day a good day to honor the veterans?

it's good to honor veterans because they have given lives for our country to have peace. they deserve to have our respect.

Why did they establish Veterans Day?

Veterans Day is a day set aside to honor All veterans. The honor is the way they honored and even some died do to war. We honor them not just to get a day off from work or school, it is for the people that cared about their country.

Why you celebrate Veterans Day?

We "celebrate" Veterans Day to honor all persons who have served our country in the military.

Why do you think the country celebrates Veterans Day?

To honor our veterans and heroes...

Why does America celerbrate Veterans Day?

to honor veterans over seas

When to honor veterans?

November 11 is Veterans Day. But any day during the week is appreciated.