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heat in sheep

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Q: Why is it important to identify signs of heat in animals?
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Related questions

Why is heating so important?

Heat is important because it allows living animals to maintain homeostasis. Without heat animals systems would shut down or halt.

Are the signs of a heat related emergency?

heat cramps

Why is heat important to the cold-blooded animals?

They need the heat to stay alive. If their body temperature gets too cold they are sure to die.

Why would a pregnant cat show signs of heat?

She will show signs of heat by rolling on the floor and tempting the tom. A pregnant cat will not show any of these signs.

What are the initial signs of a heat-related emergency?

heat cramps

Are the initial signs of a heat related emergency?

heat cramps

What are the initial signs of heat related emergency?

heat cramps

What are the initial signs of heat-related emergency?

heat cramps

Why is the specific heat of water important?

It is important for aquatic life. Sea water does not heat too much with the sun heating it all day long. Thus, aquatic animals enjoy of a constant temperature in the sea.

What are the signs heat stroke?

Lack of sweating hyperermia, neurological, heat cramps, heat exhaustion

Does a cat show signs if being in heat after being bred?

Typically, a cat will not show signs of being in heat once they have been bred.

Can you become short of breath from the heat?

Yes, it can be one of the signs of heat stroke.