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Q: Why is it important to pay attention to peoples' bad behavior?
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Related questions

How do you control a preschoolers discipline and behavior?

Lots of praise and attention for good behaviour. Try not to react to bad.

Can you yell at your son if his behavior is bad?

There is no law against yelling at your son if his behavior is bad. Too much yelling may have bad effects on your son, which is an important consideration.

To nip something in the bud?

To stop a bad or dangerous behavior before it starts. When granny hear her grandson swearing she nips it in the bud by doing something about it - maybe call his attention to the bad behavior, give a time-out, or withold a treat.

What if a guy you like does not like you because of you behavior what should you do?

aHmmm..yOu niD 2 behavE dO nOt bE bAd jUst 2 gEt hiS attEntiOn.. anD iF yOu wanT him 2 foll 2u..dO want yOu wanT.. bUt do nOt do baD thinGs..

When was Excuses for Bad Behavior created?

Excuses for Bad Behavior was created in 1998.

What is the hummingbird's behavior?

very nice behavior. it does not have bad behavior.

Were trumpets used to announce royalty?

Anyone playing a trumpet, either good or bad grabs attention. But if you're important enough you want to have as much attention focussed on you as possible. Blasting out a fanfare on a trumpet GUARANTEES attention, and quietens the rabble, announcing the arrival of somebody important.

What if my boyfriend wants all the attention?

Well I'm not really sure but I go to school and see this a lot from someone. It means that he's a player, he may like but also as you said he likes attention. He can't stand being looked at or having attention from one person no, he needs a lot of people but also it could mean that he isn't the type that will have a one relationship. He might have more. He is just that way then. You have to talk to him and tell him that you like attention too. Ignore his bad behavior, I know it bad sound silly, but if you keep listening to him he is going to keep up his behavior.

What are the causes of bad behavior?

Violent video games and T.V. shows can cause bad behavior. Influences from other people can cause bad behavior as well.

What are some possible triggers of challenging behavior?

Some possible triggers of challenging behavior include; attention, Avoidance of demands, people or settings, communication,Sensory/Self-stimulation,and Illness/Pain/Medication. Possible triggers of challenging behavior include drugs, illiteracy, and bad society.

What is behavior learned during life?

The behavior of someone that is growing up is from whoever is around them if there is bad behavior the child will grow up and have bad behavior if there is good behavior the child will grow up with good behavior.

When does bad behavior by Mindless Behavior come out?
