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Q: Why is it important to recognize the person as an individual with a disability rather than a disabled person?
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Does the child of a person on disability receive money if the disabled person dies?

If the disabled person is receiving disability benefits from an individual Disability insurance policy then yes. Most individual and group Disability policies do have a provision that pays 3-months worth of disability benefit, if the insured dies. However, this usually is assigned to a specific beneficiary and not necessarily the disabled person's child.

How do you extend CA state short term disability?

Are you currently disabled? If so, check with your employer and / or state's social security disability benefits. If not currently disabled, you can get individual long-term disability protection from a handful of disability insurance companies, or through your employer.

What is a another word for handicapped?

There are many ways in which you can describe an individual with a disability. One way is to say that the person has a special need. You can also be more specific about the person's exact disability, such as saying the person is developmentally delayed or physically impaired. However, which ever term you do use, it is important to use Person First Language, meaning you acknowledge that the individual and a person, and that their disability is only a part of who they are. For example, say person with a disability instead of disabled person.

Do you have to be employed to receive disability?

No. It's possible to buy Disablity Coverage while employed, then get disabled while unemployed. There are many types of Disability Coverage.... State Disability, Social Security Disability, Private Individual, etc.

Do you look disabled?

Depends on the disability. Some disabled people will have outward signs of a disability, others will not.

Can you skate if you are disabled?

It depends on what their disability is.

Can a judge force a disabled individual to work?

Not physically, but he can stop your benefits if you can not prove in court you are actually so disabled you can not work. Just because you are too disabled to do one type of work does not mean you can't do another. Judges do not stop benefits. The agency that issues the benefits decides whether the individual is still disabled. Judges can issue orders to withhold child support from disability income.

What does Disability really mean?

Disabled means can't do something. Such as someone that can't walk. they have a disability then. It means there is a substantial impairment to the individual's daily life functions. It is important to know that just because someone has a certain ailment means they have a disability. For example if a person is missing a leg, it doesn't necessarily mean he's handicapped. The term "disability" means that the ailment he has prevents him or substantially impairs him from performing certain functions.

What does eternal disability mean?

It means a person can be disabled anywhere... compare to: external disability

Can I get a payday advance if I am disabled and my sole source of income is Social Security Disability?

“Can I get a payday advance if I am disabled and my sole source of income is Social Security Disability?”

Can any disabled and disability person go to prison?

Yes, disabled individuals can go to prison if they commit a crime. However, it is important to note that the conditions and accommodations provided for incarcerated individuals with disabilities may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific needs of the person.

Can you collect some kind of disability while out of work during recovery from a knee replacement if you have no disability insurance of your own or through work and 55 years old?

Not unless your disability is expected to last one year or longer. You can try to apply for Social Security disability, because you won't qualify for individual or workplace disability insurance while disabled.