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It is important because injecting at the same site can lead to scare tissue, knots or bumps, inflammation, and infection. Rule of thumb is to never inject the same site twice in once week. The ideal number of sites to have is at least four hitting the injection site at least once a month.

If you do come accross a bump or knot that feels hard but does not feel hot to the touch, has redness, or if you do not have fever - You most likely do not have an infection.

You should treat it with a hot pack 15 min on and 15 min off, rub the area throughout the day, and you can also try putting ice if the hot pack does not seem affective.

If it does not get better after 4 days... Be prepared to see your doctor ASAP as it may be a cyst or you just need an antibiotic to contract with whats going on.

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Q: Why is it important to rotate injection sites?
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You must rotate your injection sites! That is the key. I really don't know how to get rid of them but do talk to your doctor about that or google it maybe. Again, rotate your injection sites!!! Because as you've noticed, if you don't rotate than you will get fat deposits and it is not attractive or would I say comfortable!

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You can get the birth control injection in the same arm every time for years. There is no medical need to rotate injection sites.

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Subcutaneous Injection.....other sites for subcutaneous injections could be the fat of the arms, thighs, and hip regions.

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The proper places for injection depend on what you are tying to inject. Some things need to injected into fat, others into muscle, others into the skin, and others into the circulation. Some common injection sites for intramuscular injections are the deltoid muscle (upper arm) or the quadriceps (thigh). Some common injection sites for adipose (fat) injections are the buttocks or into the belly. But in anyone who is going to self-administer injections, it is important that they are first trained by either a doctor or nurse to do it properly and to learn the anatomy of the particular place they are going to inject into because it is easy to accidentally hit a nerve or blood vessel unintentionally which could be dangerous.

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The patient needs to prevent infection as well as scarring.

Why does the body get sore in injection sites from using heroin?

This is most likely due to a missed shot, where the user fails to register a vein & injects into muscle. One should apply a hot wash cloth with slight pressure to the sore area & it should improve in a matter of a few days. If that isn't the case, and your veins are bruised, rotate injection sites to minimize damage. Bottom line is that an addict will occasionally miss a shot, and sticking needles into oneself is bound to cause a little soreness isn't it?

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It is important to rotate crops as it helps in having diverse agricultural produce. This will also benefit the soil in terms of the nutrients that it gains.

Can I find any diesel fuel injection services online?

It is possible to find diesel fuel injection services online. is one of the best sites for this purpose.

Why do some injection sites hurt worse than others?

depends on the concnetration of nerves at the site.

What is lp in psychology?

Ip means intraperitoneal- refers to a site of injection (into the body cavity- between the hip bone and midline. Other common sites of injection are sc (subcutaneous) and im (intramuscular).

Why are buttock muscles as injection sites on children under age two contraindicated?

too close to the sciatic nerve

What are the advantages and disadvantages of intramuscular injection?

The advantages of the deltoid intramuscular injection is that as said before is easy accessible and patients are generally a lot more comfortable with exposing their arms as opposed to another body area. Disadvantages to this site are the size of the muscle mass is small in relation to other IM injection sites.