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Q: Why is it necessary to turn off a Bunsen burner when used with alcohol?
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How do you turn off the Bunsen burner?

You turn off the gas.

How would you set the Bunsen burner flame for normal heating?

by turning the Bunsen burner on and then turn the air whole until its open!

Why do you turn off the bunsen burner for the remainder of the experiment?

no idea

How do you operate Bunsen burner?

You take a match, light it up and turn the knob on the side of the burner.

Why is it important to turn off the Bunsen burner when heating enthanol?

It is important to turn off a Bunsen burner near ethanol because it is highly flammable and could ignite if it comes into contact with an open flame.

How do you obtain a flame from a Bunsen burner?

You turn the air admittance ring at the base of the Bunsen burner until it is fully open. this allows the hottest flame to be produced and has a blue colour

How can you make a flame hotter on a Bunsen burner?

Turn the collar and the flame will get hotter

Why should you turn off Bunsen burner between experiment setups?


How do you put a Bunsen burner out?

If you turn off the gas, there is no fuel for the fire, so it goes out.

Why is important to turn off the Bunsen burner when you were heating the ethanol?

Because Ethanol is flammable

What will happen when the Bunsen burner strikes back?

You have to turn off the gas tap immediately.

What happens if you turn off a Bunsen burner with a yellow flame?

it can go boom boom! fire starts