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because there are all those people starring at you

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Q: Why is it normal to be nervous or anxious before speaking in public?
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It's normal to be nervous on your wedding day, because sometimes things can go wrong. You need to talk about it.

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What are some normal behaviors you expect from someone suffering from a phobia?

Avoidance from the phobia, if there are near it they also may panic or get nervous or anxious and possibly a tantrum if the have an extreme phobia of something

1. Explain the reasons why it and normal and even desirable to be nervous in public speaking situations.?

It is normal to be nervous in public speaking situations because it triggers our fight-or-flight response, causing anxiety. This response is a natural reaction to perceived threats and helps us perform better by increasing focus and alertness. Nervousness in public speaking can also show that you care about delivering a good speech and can motivate you to prepare and practice more, leading to a successful outcome.

Is it normal to be nervous before a high-pressure situation like an interview or before doing something new that you've never done before?

It is absolutely, completely normal. And absolutely, completely ubiquitous. Of course it is...and remember that being nervous isn't necessarily a bad thing. It may give you the energy you need to do well!

Why is it normal to be nervous at the start of a speech?

It's normal to be nervous at the start of a speech because of the pressure to perform well and the fear of being judged by the audience. This is known as performance anxiety and is a common reaction to public speaking situations. With practice and preparation, these nerves can be reduced.

What is true about the normal microbiota of the nervous system?

normal microbiota are present in central nervous system only

Do people get nervous?

Of course people get nervous! ...Normal people XD

Why is it normal even desirable to be nervous at the start of a speech?

Feeling nervous before a speech is normal because it indicates that you care about doing well. It can help boost your energy and focus, improving your performance. Embracing these nerves can make you more alert and ready to engage with your audience.

What is the difference between an anxious patient heart beat and a calm patient?

With an anxious patient, the heart beats faster. With a calm patient, the heart beats at the normal rate.

Im to nervous to ask a girl out?

Its totally normal to be nervous. Chances are, she would be flattered. My advice is to just DO IT! Get it over with! The worst thing she can say is no and even if she does say no, you wouldn't be any worse of then you were before! Good luck! :)

Is normal microbiota present in the nervous system?
