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Q: Why is it not good to eat contaminated food?
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Does food poisoning develop after or before you eat the contaminated food?

After you eat the contaminated food

Why you need to study food safety and sanitation?

so that we can able to identify which food is contaminated and not healthy to eat..

Why should you never eat in a science lab?

your food may easily be contaminated by chemicals in the lab.

Contaminant in a sentence?

The homeowners had their water tested for contaminants before drinking from the faucet.

Why is it a safety hazard to eat in the biology laboratory?

It is a hazard to eat in a biology lab because your food may have been contaminated by other items in the lab and you could then eat the contaminant.

What does coccus eat?

Cocci is easily transmitted through contaminated food or dirty water. Cocci is a bacteria and can get its food from either sunlight, organotrophs or lithotrophs.

Can you find bromine in food?

it can'tbe located any were as in water that is contaminated or contaminated food which should not be eaten

How do you chelate pb from contaminated foods?

Once food is contaminated with lead, it cannot be removed and the food should be not used.

Is it true food is good?

food is good for your body but eat the right food

Can you eat food that has been contaminated with salmonella and not get sick?

It is possible. It really depends upon an individual's health at the moment and their tolerance to the organism.

Does contaminated food look different from the same type of food that's not contaminated?

It depends on the type of contamination - but most often, NO. Food contaminated by bacterial food usually looks the same as uncontaminated food. Food contaminated by a fungus may look a bit different. Also many times the difference in appearance is so slight as to not be noticeable unless one looks very carefully and knows what to look for. In general the best protection against contaminated food is proper handling and storage.

Can Skittles give you food poisoning?

Given the right (or wrong) circumstances, any food can make one ill. If the Skittles were contaminated - Yes, they could.