

Why is it okay to be scare but is not okay to be afraid?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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Scared and afraid are two words which have the same meaning.

Being afraid is a survival characteristic in all animals, including humans; the need to survive makes us sensitive to threats to our survival, however small.

Humans are particularly susceptible to being scared because of our vivid imaginations: we can just as easily be afraid of something that isn't a threat as of something that is.

We even suffer from irrational and pointless fears, called phobias, which can quite literally immobilize us: freeze us in our tracks, like a terrified animal caught in headlights. This is an illness which needs professional treatment because it can be debilitating.

Milder fears, such as being worried if we hear a strange noise at night, or being cautious around a large dog we don't know, or hesitating to cross a very busy road, are everyday occurences.

It's perfectly okay to be afraid, scared, worried - whatever you want to call it. Anyone who teases you for being afraid is not being honest: they will inevitably have their own fears, frequently fears they don't admit to.

Bear in mind people can be annoyed by other people's fears where those fears affect or inconvenience them. So, a parent who is busy might be impatient with a child who says it's scared of the dark and doesn't want to go to bed. Or someone who wants to go to a movie with you might be irritated if you say the movie's too scary and you don't want to go.

People who tease or complain often have motives we don't see, and that they won't confess to. Maybe the person who wants you to go to the scary movie is frightened themselves, and that's why they need you along...!

Just follow your own instincts, and try to keep a balance between normal fear and fear of things which probably don't exist, aren't a threat, or might never, ever happen. And ignore anyone who tries to make you feel silly for being frightened, for any reason.

If they can't help or reassure you, or at least try to understand, they should shut up.

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