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It is not incorrect to refer to the other Solar bodies with the definate article "the," it is simply irregular. As we more commonly refer to the Sun, Earth, and Moon more often, and sun, earth, and moon are all common nouns as well, it is more specific to use the definate article "the" when refering to The Earth, The Sun, and The Moon when really referring to the more uncommonly used names Terra, Sol, and Luna (which incidentally are respectively earth, sun, and moon--the common nouns--in other languages).

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Q: Why is it right to say the Sun the Earth The Moon but not the Jupiter the Mars the Mercury or The Ganymede?
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Yes because that is how many have been recorded so far...but there most likely are more moons orbiting never know..but like i said there have been 63 satellites orbiting Jupiter.

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How are the planet in order?

If you start at the Sun and work outwards the planets are... Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and the minor planet Pluto. KrawlR: Pluto is a dwarf planet along with ceres haumea makemake Eris charon orcus ixion varuna quaoar sedna dysnomia and some other code named ones.

How does Jupiter help earth?

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