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It is Allah (God in English) command in all God religions not to practice fornication. Sex without marriage is sinful in all God religions. Islam teachings is that intercourse sex is not just for pleasure but for have kindness and love between wife and husband anf for raising up good Muslim children (per God will). Sex without marriage is considered in Islam big sin.

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Q: Why is it sinful in Islam religion for unmarried women and men to have sexual relationships?
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If they commit any sexual act (oral or intercourse), then they are both sinful per Islam religion. Accordingly, they both should repent to God (Allah in Arabic), intend not to do this sexual acts again, and ask God for forgiveness. Any sexual relation outside marriage is sinful and forbidden in Islam.

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According to certain religions, interpersonal, as well as interracial,relationships are sinful.

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There are various views on this, depending on the individual case. One View If making out inspires lust, then yes, it is sinful. This does however depend on your branch of belief and devoutness. Another View If making out in public, this is generally admonished by many religions, including some forms of Christianity. If in private, this can be interpreted as sexual activity, also sinful before marriage. Ultimately, it depends on the religion followed.

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Harry Reid has never said that he is a homosexual, and as he has a wife and children I would presume that he is not. Regardless of Harry Reid's sexual orientation, there are many openly homosexual members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church). Mormons believe that homosexual relationships are sinful, but welcome all people to worship with them. (Just as Mormons believe that adultry or sex before marriage is sinful, but they wouldn't turn away an adulterer from a worship service) Open homosexuals are welcome to be leaders and teachers at the congregational level so long as they abstain from sinful homosexual relationships. You can check out the "Related Links" below for more information about homosexual Mormons.

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Is it sinful to be born with psychic abilities in the Catholic Religion?

Abilities and/or inclinations with which one is born are neither sinful nor laudatory. Sinful is given to acts over which we have control. For instance, a sexual orientation is, for lack of any contrary evidence, something with which one is born, so it is neither good nor sinful. However, to act on a sexual orientation outside of marriage between a husband and a wife is always sinful.Now, that is the first principle to keep in mind, that something we are born with is not, in itself, sinful. However, nearly all of the "psychic abilities" which have been investigated have proved to have demonic origin. So to pursue them, or to live with them actively using them would indeed be sinful. The Catechism is quite specific in that all activities of this nature must be avoided completely.Psychic abilities would fall under "divination and magic" and are condemned in paragraphs 2115-2117 of the Catechism.

What does eating berries in dream mean?

This is probably a sexual dream in disguise. If you have been strictly taught that sexuality is sinful, your mind will use a wide variety of images, such as juicy, ripe, succulent berries, as symbols for sexual organs and behavior. Sexual dreams, disguised or overt, are entirely normal and no more sinful than using the toilet.

Why is being born through sexual act be considered that the baby is sinned while Jesus who was born of a virgin is sinless Is sex sin?

Firstly, it must be understood that the Bible nowhere teaches that the sexual act is itself sinful. Context determines sin, in this and many other cases. The inherited sinful nature has nothing whatever to do with sex of itself, even if the context of that act was indeed sinful. Jesus sinlessness had to do with His being divine, and to the fact He did not inherit our sinful nature.

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Secularism is not inherently sinful; it is simply the belief in the separation of religion and government. Some individuals may view secularism as sinful if they believe that faith should be integrated into all aspects of society. Ultimately, whether secularism is considered sinful is subjective and dependent on one's religious beliefs.

Is chaning religen sinful?

It really all depends on which religion you're converting from, and which you're converting to.