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Animals in the deep dont usually hunt on a dailey bases, plus if they were to not get food when day the have energy. They also use it for cold days/nights under the water to keep them warm

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Q: Why is it so important for animals of the deep ocean to conserve energy?
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How is sun energy the basis for many of the ocean's food chain?

Plants use energy from the sun to produce their food( gulcose) in a process called photosynthesis . When animals eat these plants , then other animals eat animals that eat those plants , there you have a life cycle that has the sun as a base source of energy.

How is the sun important to the oceans food web?

it is important to the ocean's food web because some living animals in the food web get energy from sunlight and if there is no sunlight some animals will die and this will make the food web collapse

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You can't drink the ocean! well, you could, but since it is salt water, it would dehydrate you even more. So you're better off not drinking the ocean.

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the answer is that it is important to all wild animals that live in the sea.

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What important resources are provided by bthe ocean?

Oxygen,energy,and food.

Why is the career of a marine biologist important?

They are important because they study ocean life and all marine animals with out them we would not know anything about fish,ocean life,any marine animals, or the ocean it's self. there are many coral reefs in the ocean out there .the study of these places reveal the great bio diversity of nature

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When learning about sea animals it is important to know the food chain. Animals like penguins, whales, and seals eat krill in the Southern Ocean.

The original source of energy for all organisms in an ocean food chain is?

There is no single answer. One popular (but technically incorrect) answer would be the (fusion) energy from the Sun. This does in fact generate the energy for 99% + of the organisms in the ocean food chain. The sun fuels photosynthesis in plants. Other animals eat the plants and other animals eat the smaller animals. So why isn't that the correct answer? There are actually a few independent food chains in the ocean that don't rely on the Sun's energy. They rely upon the heat from underwater volcanoes for their energy source.

What does a Marine biologist do that is important?

A Marine Biologist is important because without them we would know nothing about fish, ocean life, any marine animals or the ocean itself.

Why ocean importance?

The ocean waves are important because they bring rivers and lakes.