

Why is it so important not to pollute?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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so we don't die

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Q: Why is it so important not to pollute?
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Why is it important not to pollute?

It is important to not pollute because this is the water that we drink. Also animals in lakes,rivers,ocean could die by polluted water. Some People don't even realize that they are polluting water. SO help the Community by not wasting and polluting water.

Why it important not to pollute the environment?

It is important not to pollute the environment because this is our Earth. If we destroy it, then we have nothing clean to live in, and this is not good for humans.

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Bio fuels are so important because they help the economy. It doesn't pollute the air and it helps get rid of waste.

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The reefs die and that is bad so don't pollute!!

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because they are bad for the environment. they pollute the water

Why is it bad to pollute the air?

WE BREATHE the air. If we pollute it, we need air, so we breathe it in and get sick.

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Pennies can pollute if they are lying around everywhere. Most people pick up pennies eventually so they don't heavily pollute.

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No, because the trees need the CO2 which we breathe out when we talk to survive, so they take in the CO2 so it doesn't pollute the earth.

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It goes into the water systems and can pollute.

Do animals pollute your air?

i dnt thnk so

How does gas pollute the air?

Nobody seems to know the answer, so type in this question: What is in gas that pollute the air? That should help answer your question!!!

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they pollute the underground sources of potable water.