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Race should not dictate who can like or date whom. Historically, interracial relationships have faced discrimination and prejudice, but in reality, love should not be limited by race. What matters most is mutual respect, understanding, and compatibility between individuals, regardless of their racial backgrounds.

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Q: Why is it such a big deal if a white girl likes a black guy?
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If you say hi to a girl and she smiles to you does this mean she likes you?

Not necessarily. A smile can simply be a polite response to a greeting. To determine if someone likes you, pay attention to their body language, ongoing interactions, and verbal communication.

Why is it OK for a black guy to call another black guy a but its not OK if a white guy says it?

The word has a history of being used as a racial slur against black people by white individuals in a derogatory manner. When used within the black community, it can be a form of reclamation or solidarity, but if said by a non-black person, it can perpetuate the history of oppression and racism associated with the term. It's important to understand the power dynamics and historical context behind certain words and the impact they have when used by different groups.

How can a boy understand that a girl likes her?

A boy can usually tell if a girl likes him through her body language and behavior. Signs like prolonged eye contact, smiling, mirroring his movements, and seeking opportunities to be alone together are common indicators. Communication is key - the best way to know for sure is to talk openly and honestly with the girl about each other's feelings.

How do you know when a 4th grade girl likes you?

Basically, the girl will stare at you, laugh at all your jokes, and try to be close to you. I know because I am in fourth grade. But, if you like to fight a lot with the girl, and you guys always say mean things to each other, THE GIRL LIKES YOU AND YOU LIKE HER!

How can you a 8th grade boy tell if an 6th grade girl likes you?

You can tell if a 6th grade girl likes you if she acts interested in talking to you, frequently laughs at your jokes, and tries to spend time with you. Pay attention to her body language and whether she seems nervous or blushes around you. It's important to communicate openly with her and respect her feelings.

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What do you call a white girl who likes black men?

a gray girl

How to get a white girl if youre black?

it doesnt matter what colour you are. If a girl likes you she likes u of who u are.

How does a black girl impress a white guy?

If he likes black girls there should be no problem just be yourself

Would christian beadles date a black girl?

I think he will.Besides color don't matter but if he likes you than he likes you no be deal what color.

How do you get a black girl to a white guy?

Just be yourself. Either a man likes you or he doesn't

How do you get a white guy to like a black girl?

Just be yourself. Either a man likes you or he doesn't

What color girls does ray ray from mindless behavior date?

Black girls of course he might pick a white girl if they are cute if he likes the black girls.. he said all girls are cute and he likes black girls okay he doesn't like white girls... he isn't razzes or nothing he just don't wanna date a white girl might like them but he likes black people better ( trust me I know)

If a white girl saysI like my white boys is that racist?

No. She simply prefers to date white males. It's no different from a black woman saying she likes white males, too.

How does a black guy approach a white girl in ninth grade?

The same way a white guy would approach a white girl in the 9th grade. Just try talking to her, ask if she's okay, what she likes etc...

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Black girls but he will take a white girl if she is pretty and his type but he likes black people better

Does Justin Bieber like hispanic girls?

Yes Justin bieber likes hispanic girls in all his vids he has a hispanic girl but it doesn't mean that he doesn't like black or white and he also had a girl friend from ingland that's white and he has a friend that is a girl that is black. Justin likes all girls he would just prefer a hispanic girl!! he said so........................ please don't start rumers thanx......................GOD bless u all.

Why do people think it's weird that when a black girl likes a white boy it's just weird?

it's different but there is nothing weird about it.