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Stem cells have so much potential in research because they have the ability to develop into any type of cell. Your body is made up of many different types of cells: red blood cells, white blood cells, glial cells, neurons, and muscle cells, just to name a few. By manipulating stem cells, the possibility for many different things arises in science. Could we regenerate an arm? Grow a heart? Replace lost neurons, the cells responsible for sensation and motor movement? There are two types of stem cells: adult stem cells, which are found in the umbilical cord, placenta and most adult tissue and those made from newly developed fetuses, called embryonic stem cells. This is where the controversy lies. Where do you draw the line when using fetuses (killing life) for medical research (possibly prolonging the life of those who have already been living for a significant period of time)?

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14y ago
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9y ago

Stem cells have the ability to divide and they can produce a huge number of identical cells. They are also undifferentiated and can specialize in different ways, forming a variety of tissues. Stem cells can hence be used to replace damaged tissues as well as medical research.

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9y ago

Stem cells undergo apoptosis. This is a programed process of cell death. This means that they change instead of dying traumatically.

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13y ago

The reason why a cell has potential medical use is because it undergoes a programmed cell death, called apoptosis a process where it doesn't go through the programed cell death.

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11y ago

A stem has potential medical uses because it undergoes apoptosis.

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9y ago

A potential medical use of stem cells involves the formation of cells and tissues therapies.

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Q: Why is it that a stem cell has potential medical uses?
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Why does stem cell have potential medical uses?

The reason why a cell has potential medical use is because it undergoes a programmed cell death, called apoptosis a process where it doesn't go through the programed cell death.

What are potential uses for stem cells?


Stem cell can cure what?

Some say stem cells could some day heal the heart, eyes, etc..

What are some of the positive and negative uses of stem cell therapy?

Stem cell therapy can help your body repair itself by using stem cells which can become any healthy type of cell. The cons of stem cell therapy are that many people think that it is unethical and it is difficult to harvest stem cells.

What type of bone transplant uses bone marrow from a donor?

Either a bone marrow or a stem cell transplant (although these days most stem cell transplants are obtained from blood).

How might stem cells help when the spinal cord is damaged?

The stem cell uses the special regenerative cells which will help when the spinal cord is damaged.

What is a stem cell?

a stem cell line is a group of stem cells that has the ability to produce one specific type of cell. for example, one stem cell line could have the ability to produce a kidney, while another line could produce a liver.

Is a stem a cell?

A cell must meet two basic key criteria in order to be considered a stem cell: 1. Able to differentiate into multiple cell types upon induction. 2. Able to remain in an undifferentiated state over numerous cell divisions when not induced to differentiate. There are numerous "stem cells", some with more potential than others. An embryonic stem cell is pluripotent by definition because it is able to become any cell in the body (though this is difficult in practice). Other stem cells are more restricted, such as the hematopoietic stem cell, which can only form the cell types found in blood and the immune system. A new form of cell called an induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS), can be generated by turning on at least 2 specific genes in skin or other non-stem cells. This is commonly done through use of a viral vector such as a retrovirus although it is now possible to avoid the use of virus. Preliminary studies indicate that iPS cells have identical capabilities as embryonic stem cells which may negate the need to derive embryonic stem cells from embryos. Still, everything we know about pluripotent stem cells comes from studies of embryonic stem cells and thus they are an integral part of the quest for therapeutic uses for stem cells.

What a stem cells?

A cell must meet two basic key criteria in order to be considered a stem cell: 1. Able to differentiate into multiple cell types upon induction. 2. Able to remain in an undifferentiated state over numerous cell divisions when not induced to differentiate. There are numerous "stem cells", some with more potential than others. An embryonic stem cell is pluripotent by definition because it is able to become any cell in the body (though this is difficult in practice). Other stem cells are more restricted, such as the hematopoietic stem cell, which can only form the cell types found in blood and the immune system. A new form of cell called an induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS), can be generated by turning on at least 2 specific genes in skin or other non-stem cells. This is commonly done through use of a viral vector such as a retrovirus although it is now possible to avoid the use of virus. Preliminary studies indicate that iPS cells have identical capabilities as embryonic stem cells which may negate the need to derive embryonic stem cells from embryos. Still, everything we know about pluripotent stem cells comes from studies of embryonic stem cells and thus they are an integral part of the quest for therapeutic uses for stem cells.

How does stem cell therapy work?

Stem cells are general cells that can change into specialized cells. Stem cell therapy involves using these stem cells to repair damaged organs and tissue. Stem cell therapy is still a controversial issue.

Why do adult stem cells currently have fewer uses in therapeutic cloning that embryonic stem cells?

Adult stem cells are more specalized than their embryonic counterparts, embryonic stem cells can become any cell whereas adult stem cells can only be used to form certain cells.

How can stem cell research affect the society?

Stem cell research is at the center of a raging controversy due to its ethical implications. Although few debate the potential marvels that mastering stem cells could provide by way of medical advancements in the treatment and prevention of life threatening diseases, many object strenuously to the measures being taken to reach that goal. The study of adult and cord blood stem cells is not disputed, since harvesting them causes no harm. However, the harvesting of embryonic stem cells is another matter altogether, since it requires the destruction of early-stage embryos, known as blastocycts. Proponents of embryonic research argue that a blastocyst is only a cluster of 150 cells, and does not possess even the nervous system required to biologically qualify as a human being. Further, they maintain that blastocysts are surpluses obtained from in vitro fertilization clinics with the consent of the patients. However, for the people whose moral beliefs state that human life begins at the moment of conception, embryonic research is simply unacceptable, especially since adult stem cell therapy has already proven to have potential in treating diseases such as diabetes, acute renal failure, sickle cell anemia, and Parkinson's. By: Nathan Rules