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The wound needs to bleed to get the wound cleaned out.

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Q: Why is it that cold compress contraindicated to snake bites?
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How long you use a hot or cold compress maximum?

Hot compress should be use 5-10mins. It should alternately do with the cold compress for a better result.

What is a characteristic of snake?

Snakes are a cold blooded reptile. They have no limbs and slither on the ground. They kill their prey by constriction or venomous bites. They have a scaly skin that they shed yearly.

Is a snake a warm or cold-blooded animal?

A snake is a reptile and is cold blooded

Is it proper to use a cold compress at the site of a femoral artery incision post angiography?

A cold compress will assist in decreasing the amount of swelling.

Is cold compress bad for tired muscles?

A cold compress is good for swollen tissues. For tired muscles the best thing is heat or massage.

I have some post operative swelling should I use a hot or cold compress?

Cold compress or ice pack (frozen peas or something else similar).

Should you use a hot or cold compress on a swollen lip?

I have just learned that if you have an infection you should NOT use heat. The reason being is that it draws the infection out, and encourages it to spread. Cold is the way to go if you are going to use a compress (although it may be difficult. I know that a warm compress has helped me more than a cold compress.)

How do you treat sand flies bites?

To treat sand fly bites, clean the affected area with soap and water, apply a cold compress to reduce swelling, and use over-the-counter anti-itch creams or calamine lotion to relieve itching. If the bite becomes infected or symptoms worsen, seek medical attention.

After Liposuction bruises and swollen hot or cold compress?

Post cosmetic surgery you should use warm compress. My mother just had a breast reduction and was instructed to use a warm compress. Cold compress is to reduce swelling or inflammation after an injury like a spained ankle. Wish you the best in the healing process.

Can you get relief from cold compresses from shingles?

Yes, a cold compress may help your shingles pain.

What is contrast hydrotherapy?

series of hot and cold water applications. A hot compress (as hot as an individual can tolerate) is applied for three minutes followed by an ice cold compress for 30 seconds

Is snake poop warm or cold?

it depends on how warm the snake is.