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Q: Why is it that goitre affects women more than men?
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The symptoms of diverticulitis in men and women are generally identical. However, there is a difference, the men's fistula affects him more than it affects the women who acquired this disease.

Does fibromyalgia occur more in men than women?

No, just the opposite. Fibromyalgia, according to current medical knowledge, affects significantly more women than men. Estimates range from about twice as many women as men, to ten times as many women as men (who suffer from fibromyalgia).

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Cotard's Delusion is a very rare disease which affects women 3 times more than men.

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The target audience for beer advertisement is dominantly male, and in turn affects men more than women.

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Muscle dysmorphia and anorexia athletica, and orthorexia affects men and women roughly equally.

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Lupus can affect anyone, but it is most common in women in their childbearing years. Lupus affects nine times more women than men and affects the minority population more often as well. Lupus is more likely to affect African Americans, Asians, and Hispanics than Caucasians. Minorities are also more likely to have serious organ involvement such as kidney disease and failure.

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Some women smile more than other women, indeed.

What are the demographics of spinal stenosis?

Spinal stenosis usually affects people over 50 years of age. Women have the condition more frequently than men do.

Which eating disorder affect more men than women?

Muscle dysmorphia typically affects men more than women. This is when someone is obssessed with the idea that they are not muscular enough. It is also called "Bigorexia"

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Their are more women than men :)

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Why are women more prone to osteoporosis than men

Who is most likely to contract tropical spastic paraparesis?

TSP usually affects adults between the ages of 30 and 40, and is far more common in women than in men.