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Q: Why is it that the brian prioritize the importance of incoming stimuli?
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In hatchet what was terry and Brian's dad trying to tell him in his dream?

In "Hatchet," Terry and Brian's dad was trying to convey the importance of self-reliance and perseverance to Brian. He was teaching him to be strong, brave, and resilient in the face of adversity and to harness his inner strength to survive.

What does Brian mean that it was a mental thing in the book hatchet?

When Brian refers to it being a mental thing in the book "Hatchet," he is acknowledging the importance of his attitude and mental resilience in surviving his ordeal in the wilderness. Brian learns that maintaining a positive mindset, staying focused, and problem-solving are crucial for his survival.

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Mr. Perpich advised Brian's teacher to change his attitude towards Brian by trying to understand him better and being more patient and supportive. He emphasized the importance of showing empathy and building a positive relationship with Brian in order to help him succeed in school.

What is a opinion in the story hatchet?

An opinion in the story "Hatchet" could be about the protagonist, Brian, and how his resourcefulness and resilience in surviving alone in the wilderness are admirable. Another opinion could be about the importance of self-reliance and problem-solving skills that are portrayed through Brian's journey.

What is the theme for Brian's Hunt?

The theme of "Brian's Hunt" by Gary Paulsen focuses on survival, resilience, and the bond between humans and nature. Brian's journey in the wilderness highlights the challenges he faces and the strength he develops to overcome them, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and self-reliance.

What two true things come to Brian's mind after being rescued by the plan?

After being rescued by the pilot, Brian is grateful for being alive and having survived the plane crash. He also realizes the importance of being resourceful and resilient in order to survive in the wilderness.

Explain how Brian's first bow nearly spells disaster for him in Hatchet?

Brian's inexperience with the bow causes him to shoot it inaccurately, resulting in him narrowly missing an animal and losing his ammunition. This near disaster shows Brian the importance of practicing and gaining proficiency with the tools he has in order to survive in the wilderness.

How did brian learn his lesson in hatchet?

Brian learns his lesson in "Hatchet" by realizing the importance of perseverance, adaptability, and self-reliance. Through surviving in the wilderness and overcoming various challenges, he gains a deeper understanding of his own capabilities and strengths. This experience teaches him the value of resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

What are one of the first days that Brian experienced in hachet?

On his first day in the Canadian wilderness in the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen, Brian tries to create shelter, find food, and deal with his overwhelming emotions of fear and loneliness. He also discovers the importance of staying calm and resourceful in order to survive.

What does Brian put aside with a strange feeling in hatchet?

Brian puts aside the hatchet in the survival pack with a strange feeling of respect and awe, as he realizes the tool's importance and value in helping him survive in the wilderness. He is struck by the power of the hatchet in providing both protection and the means to gather food and build shelter.

In hatchet When remembering the pilots heart attack brian realized that?

Brian realized that he would have to survive on his own and take control of his situation in order to stay alive. He recognized the importance of being resourceful and staying calm in the face of adversity. This realization fueled his determination to rely on his own skills and ingenuity to survive in the wilderness.