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Q: Why is it unlikely that a black desert and will be a laggard when it is found out of the burrow during the middle of the day?
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What animal likes to live in a burrow in a desert?

Tortoises, rodents, rabbits, hares, snakes and some owls make seek shelter in a burrow during the hot hours.

Why is the temperature important to the desert?

the temperture is important to the desert because with out the sun camals wont be able to store water and fat and athore animals wont be able to burrow during the day

Which animal live in place where water is scarce and burrow underground during the day to stay cool?

Bats, many snakes, most rodents and some larger mammals like foxes and skunks, are nocturnal, sleeping in a cool den, cave or burrow by day. Some smaller desert animals burrow below the surface of the soil or sand to escape the high temperatures at the desert surface

Where do many desert animals hide during the hot day?

In the shade, in burrows under the sand, in caves, under water, or anywhere it's less hot. Most desert animals are nocturnal which means they only come out at night. They burrow themselves deep in the sand where its cool during the day.

What are the uses of a Bilby's burrow?

A bilby's burrow is used for shelter and protection. The bilby digs a spiralling burrow which may extend three metres in length, and two metres in depth. This helps protect the bilby from the intense heat of the desert and semi-arid area where it lives. The burrow stays at around 23 degrees Celsius, pleasant during both summer and winter. The bilby is a nocturnal feeder, so it stays in its burrow during the day and comes out at night to forage for food. The burrow also offers protection from predators. Bilbies do not have just one burrow, but may have access to dozens of burrows. Some of these are used for daytime shelter, while others are escape burrows. Bilbies frequently fill in the burrow behind them, to prevent the entry of predators.

What does a tarantula do during extreme heat?

they burrow into their homes

Why does the rabbit move to its burrow at night?

On the contrary : rabbit moves to its burrow during the day and goes out at night when he's less likely to be seen by predators.

Where do bilbies shelter?

Bilbies shelter in burrows they dig underground. Their spiral-shaped burrows can be up to three metres long and almost two metres deep. This depth is required to keep the greater bilby safe from predators and to keep the burrow at a constant temperature of 23 degrees Celsius. This helps to keep them cool during hot desert days, and warm during cool desert nights.

What adaptations has the desert sidewinder developed to survive?

It is chiefly nocturnal and takes refuge in the burrow of another animal or under a bush during the day. At night it emerges to hunt its prey, mainly small rodents, such as pocket mice and kangaroo rats, and lizards.

What are the 2 burrows a platypus makes?

A platypus makes just one burrow for shelter, although the burrow may have mire than one entrance. During breeding season, a female platypus will dig a chamber at the end of the burrow, where she lays her eggs.

How do rattlesnakes keep cool in the desert?

Rattlesnakes remain in a cool, sheltered place during the hottest time of the day - in an animal burrow, rock crevice, under a shady bush. They only become active after the sun sets and the temperature drops to a comfortable level.