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To Much UV Radiation! :)

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Q: Why is it unlikely that the first cells evolved at the earth27s surface?
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Which organelle indicates that eukaryotic cells have evolved from prokaryotic cells?

The mitochondria and the chloroplast provide evidence that eukaryotic cells may have evolved from prokaryotic cells.

What happens to a cell ratio of surface area to volume as the cells volume increases more rapidly than its surface are?

The cell's ratio of surface area to volume would decrease. However, this scenario is extremely unlikely.

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viruses dont have cells

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If prokaryotes evolved into eukaryotes by absorbing The ability to absorb other cells gave a survival advantage. other cells,

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What cell do scientists think evolved about 1.5 billion years ago?

Scientist believe that prokaryotic cells evolved 1.5 billion years ago.

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Unlikely by its own.

Why do you think the plant evolved to have guard cells?

for bad people

Is human evolution a coincidence?

no. we started out as microscopic cells and we evolved from there

What are surface cells?

Surface cells are membrane reactors. They store water and serve as integral membrane proteins. These cells bind other cells to each other.

What organelle does the endosymbiotic theory suggest evolved from the symbiotic relationships between prokaryotic cells?

Mitochondria evolved from aerobic bacteria.Chloroplast evolved from photosynthetic bacteria.

What cell's evolved about 1.5 billion years ago?

plant cells