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It is very important to predict the path of a hurricane because then people can evacuate the area in the path of the hurracane.

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Q: Why is it useful to predict storms?
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How storms are predicted by RADAR?

RADAR does not predict storms, it detects and tracks them after they form. However meteorologists can use this tracking information to predict where the storms may move to more accurately than they could without this information, allowing better warning times.

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Scientists want to predict solar winds in Earth's atmosphere to help them track geomagnetic storms. Geomagnetic storms can disrupt the Earth's magnetosphere.

How do you predict sandstorms?

Dust storms are most likely to occur on hot summer days under certain atmospheric conditions, so meteorologists can frequently predict the possibility of these storms.

What is a barocyclonometer?

A barocyclonometer is a type of aneroid barometer with accompanying diagrams and directions which help predict storms.

How can you tell when a sandstorm will occur?

Dust storms are most likely to occur on hot summer days under certain atmospheric conditions, so meteorologists can frequently predict the possibility of these storms.

How do scientists predict snow storms?

They use satellites, computer models, and observations from the atmosphere to determine what the weather is going to be.

Why are weather patterns important?

They can help us understand how the Earth works, and predict when storms and other events will occur.

How did Benjamin Franklin predict the weather?

Ben Franklin had a wooden knee that helped him sense coming storms and earthquakes.

How do meteorologists predict thunderstorms formation?

the monitoring of low/high pressure systems (which are responsible for the storms) by weather stations

Why is it important to have storm chasers?

Well lots of storm chasers are out there to collect data on storms and tornadoes and how they form and such so we can better predict them in the future and understand why some storms have tornadoes and some don't. The better we understand storms the more lives we can save.

Are weather patterns important to us?

yes because we can predict natural disasters and be able to prepare for mother natures storms or events