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The cloud cover helps to keep the heat from the day in, much like an insulating blanket.

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Q: Why is it warm at night when there are clouds?
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Are clouds more likely to form during a cold winter night or a warm afternoon?


Is it true that the atmosphere keeps the Earth warm at night?

Yes, yet ONLY when It is full of Clouds. A night-time Sky without any Clouds bodes for a quite cold surface temperature; the same sky full of Clouds, well you do not even need your furnace.

How are clouds formed during a warm front?

Clouds are formed during warm front when it condenses....

Why is it more likely to be frosty on a clear night than on a cloudy night?

Since clouds are cool moist air, and cold air is heavier than warm air, the cloud cover holds down the warmth that accumulates during the day and keeps the ambient temperature slightly higher over night.

How do clouds keep us warm at night?

well... during the day the sun heats up the earth. and when night falls and its cloudy the clouds act like a blanket and keep the heat in better than if it was not cloudy at night. (Just wanted to tell that i didn't think of this someone else did.)

What updrafts of warm moist air result in tall clouds called?

Cumulus clouds is an resault of updraft of warm,moist air in tall clouds.

When you see a lot of stars in the sky at night do you think it is going to be a cold night or warm night?

Assuming it is winter and you are talking about the United States? Generally I see it as a Cold night, as there is no layer of clouds to keep the heat in... Bill actually we can see it on july-september we can see more star than you see on winter. pablo

Clouds form as 6?


Can clouds form in night?

yes clouds can form at night as long as the temperatures are above freezing.

Is it true that warm fronts are associated with clouds and rain?

Yes. Warm fronts typically bring clouds and light rain or snow.

What role do the clouds play day and night?

Well clouds are moisture. So clouds day and night give us moisture in the air.

When do clouds fly higher?

clouds fly higher in the night