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Because Notch didn't know that Jeb would take over every thing he made to be and remove all the golems and put in 1 scare crow in replace oh and by the way Jeb is making it so you craft the scare crow with 1 iron chest plate 2 sticks and a lot of hard items to get and they just scare Spiders away 1 block

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Q: Why is jeb lead developer of minecraft now?
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Related questions

Who owns Minecraft now?

Microsoft own the business side of Mojang, but Mojang still develop the game. Jeb is still the lead developer of Minecraft.

Will there be a third Minecraft boss?

Possibly. We Minecraft players don't know that yet. Jeb is the developer now.

Who created Minecraft PC?

Notch was the person who got the original idea for Minecraft and leaded the developer crew, but the developers are 4jstudios and Mojang. Also, Notch gave Minecraft over to his friend Jeb, who has been running it for quite some time now.

When will notch post 1.3 on minecraft?

Never! Notch has stopped being an active developer for Minecraft. Jeb is the Mojang staff member who handles releases now. As to when Jeb will be releasing 1.3, there doesn't appear to be an ETA at this time. I'm getting anxious for it as well, given all the great new features being revealed in the snapshots!

Who made the game Minecraft?

Markus Persson from Sweden and his company Mojang, although large parts of the code are ripped off earlier indie games

How much money does Minecraft creator notch make in one week?

he makes allot and btw its jeb now

Will snow biomes be back in 1.9 for minecraft?

Yes @jeb said the Snow Biomes would be back in 1.9. You can have a look right now by playing the pre-release.

Can playing Minecraft get you VAC ban?

No, because Minecraft is not a Steam game, so it is not using VAC. This game was developed by Markus Persson (Notch) and now is owned by Jeb. Steam has no right to give you vac ban, nor impersonate as the owner of Minecraft. You are free to go :) [Proof] I have played Minecraft on Steam before.

Who is the creater of Minecraft?

A swedish man, Markus Persson, who goes by "Notch". Most minecraft plyers make him somewhat of a demigod (as do I). Now, some people in his coompany code the game, but Notch programmed most of it.

Florida govenor bush?

No, it was Jeb Bush, now its Chalie Crist.

How many minecraft copies are there now?


How do you get Minecraft 3.1?

Not possible, for now. Its only Minecraft 1.3.1 now, I bet Minecraft 3 will be released around 20 years later.