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The Old Kingdom if Israel divided in two: Kingdom of Israel, and Kingdom of Judea. Jew, Judaism, both come from the word Judea.

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Q: Why is judaism named judaism?
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How did hudism start?

Judaism started about 4000 years ago in the Middle East region. A Hebrew named Abraham is credited with promoting and spreading Judaism.

Did Abraham founder of Judaism have a daughter named Anna?

No. The Book of Genesis makes no mention of any daughters of Abraham.

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Christianity and Islam both originated from Judaism.

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That's normally found amongst converts to Judaism, some converts choose to not change their name.

How were the Jewish days named?

The only day of the week which has a name in Judaism is the Shabbat, which is named in the Torah (Exodus ch.31). Other days are simply called so-and-so-many-days-after-Shabbat.

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There are no rooms in Judaism. Judaism is a religion, not a building.

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Opposite of the lack of Judaism? Judaism.

What is Judaism also called today?

Judaism is called Judaism.

What is Judaism's real name?

Judaism's real name, in English, is "Judaism".

Which religions were founded in the Europe and southwest Asia?

Christianity and Judaism

Am I wrong in thinking that the character name Chris Taub on House is a little bit absurd -- How many Jewish people are named Chris?

Although it's very uncommon, there are some Jews named Chris. Normally, the result of conversion to Judaism.

What is a movement focused on preserving values but with some allowance for modern influence in judaism?

Lots of those. In more or less the order of most traditional to least traditional, here are some: Modern Orthodox Judaism Masorti (Traditional) Judaism Conservative Judaism Reform Judaism Liberal Judaism Reconstructionist Judaism Renewal Judaism Humanistic Judaism