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It's important because God commanded it (Deuteronomy ch.14).

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Q: Why is kashrut important in judaism?
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What is the scientific reason that donkey meat is Ha-ram in Islam?

The rules of haram (in Islam) and kashrut (in Judaism) are religious in nature, not scientific.

Did laws of kashrut in ancient israel have any impact on ancient Greece?

Not really. Perhaps it made the Ancient Greeks happy that they did not keep kosher and could go on eating pork. Other than that, kashrut served as a disincentive for Greeks to consider converting to Judaism.

How do you make a microwave kosher for the house of Yahweh faith?

If you're referring to Judaism, you can't really make a microwave kosher if non-kosher food has been prepared in it. FYI, Yahweh is a Christian term for their God, it has nothing to do with Judaism and kashrut.

How were the teachings of the Torah important to judaism?

the teachings of the Torah are Judaism.

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There are no particularly important symbols in Judaism, but the number ' 1 ' is quite significant.

What religion eats kosher food?

Judaism is the religion associated with kosher food. The basis of kashrut arelocated in the Tanach which is the Jewish Bible.People of all religions worldwide, as well as those who adhere to no religion,all eat some kosher food. Those who observe the practices of Judaism arecareful to avoid eating foods that are not kosher.

What is extremely important in judaism?

The Torah.

Why is a dome important in a temple?

In Judaism, a dome is NOT important to a temple.

Uses the term kosher to apply to food that may be eaten?

Kosher food is a part of Judaism. Food that is prepared and served following the laws of kashrut is kosher and may be eaten by religiously observant Jews.

Where are the most important laws of Judaism?

In the Torah.

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Who is an important person to the Judaism religion?
