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It is difficult to get a large number of people accustomed to a new system. Also, Fahrenheit and Celsius are more convenient ranges of numbers for commonly encountered temperatures. For example, water freezes at 0o Celsius, but at 273.15o Kelvin.

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Q: Why is kelvin not commonly used to measure temperature as compared to Fahrenheit or Celsius?
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What scales of temperature are commonly used?

Celsius and Fahrenheit. Celsius is metric.

What temperature units do scientist commonly use?

celsius, fahrenheit and kelvin.

What temperature in Fahrenheit is 39.4 Celsius?

Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = (39.4o Celsius)(1.80) + 32 = 102.9o Fahrenheit ==============

What is the common unit of temperature?

The three standard units of temperature is Kelvin, Fahrenheit and Celsius.

What is the temperature scale?

There are several temperature scales. Kalvin, Celsius, and Fahrenheit, are the most commonly used. Kalvin is used mostly in science, Fahrenheit in the U.S. and Celsius in most other countries.

What is temperature scales?

There are several temperature scales. Kalvin, Celsius, and Fahrenheit, are the most commonly used. Kalvin is used mostly in science, Fahrenheit in the U.S. and Celsius in most other countries.

What temperature Fahrenheit equals Celsius?

At -40 Celsius and Fahrenheit are the same temperature.

On which temperature scale does 1 degree represent the smallest change in temperature?

The Fahrenheit scale change of 1 degree is smallest when compared to Celsius change. 1.8 degrees Celsius is 1 degree Fahrenheit

Is your body temperature Celsius or Fahrenheit?

Temperature is mesured in Celsius or Fahrenheit. Normal body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius OR 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

What does 37.8 Celsius equal in Fahrenheit?

Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = (37.8 degrees Celsius) * (1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = 100.04 degrees -------------------------------------------------------

What are Celsius and Fahrenheit?

temperature scalesBoth Celsius and Fahrenheit are forms of measuring the temperature.

How much is 0.6 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32 Temperature Fahrenheit = (0.6 Celsius )(1.80) + 32 = 33.1 degrees Fahrenheit -----------------------------------