

Why is kindness a virtue?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: Why is kindness a virtue?
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What is an example of syllogism in literature please include page or line numbers?

A syllogism is a pair of conclusions which lead directly to a third, such as; "every virtue is laudable; kindness is a virtue; therefore kindness is laudable"

What is a sentence using the word virtue?

Kindness is a virtue.By virtue of his accomplishments, he was appointed the new council leader.Virtue does not come from wealth, but wealth and every other good thing comes from virtue.(paraphrasing Socrates)

What is the definition of kindness?

The virtue of doing a charitable deed for someone else.

What does Virtue et Amis mean in English?

I ran it through a free translation site and it said "Virtue and Friends" Friends? like who? Chastity Temperance Charity Diligence Kindness Patience Humility

Is humanity the foundation of virtue?

Humanity is defined as "love, kindness, social intelligence blended together" by many people. Therefore, it cannot exactly called as the foundation of virtue. Virtue is the most refined quality/qualities in a human being. Therefore, humanity is not exactly the foundation of virtue(although humanity is a refined quality).

What is the antonym for the word crime?

The antonym for the word "crime" is "virtue", which means behavior showing high moral standards.

What are the virtue?

There are many different Protestant virtues. Some of these Protestant virtues include prudence, faith, diligence, hard work, prayer, humility, and kindness.

What is some evil powers?

There is nothing like evil powers in this universe. When there is a lack of virtue,goodness and kindness there's a space left and that space is Evil powers.

What does civic virtue mean?

Virtue means the goodness,moral excellence, kindness and good qualities a person has Civic virtue is the cultivation of habits of personal living that are claimed to be important for the success of the community It is most prominently mentioned by Edward Gibbon in "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire". He states that the loss of Civic Virtue was the primary cause of the decline of that civilization.

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What is Scrooges' greatest virtue at the end of 'A Christmas Carol'?

Scrooge's greatest virtue at the end of "A Christmas Carol" is his newfound generosity and compassion towards others. He learns to prioritize love and kindness over material wealth and becomes dedicated to helping those in need.

What does friar Lawrence mean virtue itself turns to vice?

Friar Lawrence means that when virtues are taken to excess or not used in moderation, they can become harmful or counterproductive. For example, being too kind can make someone vulnerable to being taken advantage of, thus turning a virtue like kindness into a vice.